bow speed ratings


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Re: bow speed ratings


I Shoot a Mathews Ultra 2 and I have shot through two different chronos at two different places. Both times I shot an average of 312 fps with 5 shots at each chrono. I have a 29" draw and I am shooting beman ics 400 arrows with 100 grain tips at 65lb pull. I do not know what the arrow weight is right off hand, but my bow is quiet and smokin when I shoot.

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I am not calling anyone a liar but I have a hard time choking down these numbers.

Just dont add up to me.

I just chronoed my Switchback XT 70#@26" draw, WB QS deluxe, nothing on the string except a shurz-a-peep and a loop, with 353g arrow total, and only got 260 average.

I realize my draw is short but still...

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