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well guys today it happend. i got home around 3 45, went upstairs and ate some ice cream and watched tv, well i got settled in the stand around 5 15 or so, i changed my stand location this time, to a good trail. well i was thinkin about what i was going to do when a deer came up, and i looked up and this nice 6 pointer was trotting in, i started shaking bad. well he got to withing about 13 yards, i came to full draw, and busted him. he took off out of sight. well i called dad, and one of my buddies. and i tracked him for about 125 yards, then i stopped and put an arrow when i saw the last bit of blood, because the blood was thinning up real bad. well dad came down and we walked all through the woods and didnt see any sign, do we walked towards a road, and he saw blood crossing the road, and what looked like to be where the deer was dragging its legs, so we knew either it would be on the other side of the ditch, or someone picked it up, well we went about 20 yards into the woods on the other side of the road, and we found him. im very excited about this one. first deer with a bow. thanks for listening.


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