HAS ANYONE TRYED THIS? homemade scent killer


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found this on the net and wanting to see if anyone has tryed it??

homemade scent killer

1) One gallon DISTILLED WATER.

2) Two pint bottles of Hydrogen Peroxide (16 ounces each).

3) Two boxes of baking soda.

4) A new, clean bucket with a lid. Avaliable at hardware stores.


Mix one half gallon of DISTILLED WATER, two bottles of Hydrogen

Peroxide, and two boxes or baking soda in the bucket. Stir until most

of the baking soda is dissolved. Not all of the baking soda will

dissolve, this is normal. Shaking the bucket with the lid on may work

as well. Shake or stir occassionally over the next week. Next pour

into clean spray bottles and use as you would the store bought stuff.

Remember to shake well before use. Hope this saves you all some cash.

Good Hunting and Be Safe!--

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Re: HAS ANYONE TRYED THIS? homemade scent killer

I read that you should not use regular store bought peroxide in the brown bottles for it contains an ingredient that should not be used for this purpose. I was informed to use Bacquacil (sp?) from a pool place that is 27% peroxide without that other ingredient and cut it 9/1 to reduce it to 3%. Then when you do make a batch you should keep it in a container that will not allow light to penetrate. FYI

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Re: HAS ANYONE TRYED THIS? homemade scent killer

I just wash my cloths in the baking soda and it works great for me. I have been doing that for about 15 years now. I still spray down with cover sent before I head out to the field but I have had deer walk up to within 5 yards of me while I have been on the ground and they never knew i was there.

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Re: HAS ANYONE TRYED THIS? homemade scent killer

i have been using 2 gal. water ( TAP) half cup bakeing soda, and a spray bottle. must work in the woods, it sure works great around the cats litter box. it kills the wet dog smell in my truck also...

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Re: HAS ANYONE TRYED THIS? homemade scent killer

i found that in august field and stream today. this is what it said, 16 oz 3% hydrogen peroxide, 2 cups of distilled water, 1/2 cup baking soda, 1 oz unsented shampoo. place in a clean 1 gal lidded container with the led loosey on to let gases to escape, i think il still buy my stuff.

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Re: HAS ANYONE TRYED THIS? homemade scent killer


By the time you buy all this stuff, and mix it is is just as cheap and easy to buy a bottle of HS and go to the woods.

[/ QUOTE ]

I went out and bought the stuff the other day.

1 Gal of Distilled water.......$0.62

Baking Soda.....................$0.54 each x 2 = 1.08

Peroxide..........................$0.56 each x 2 = 1.12

Scent free shampoo..........$5.00 16 oz / 16 = 0.31

About $3.13 for well over a gallon of scent killer.

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