surgery update (the dog)


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Hi Guys!

It's been awhile since i've been on the site.

I arrive at Mayo for suegery last Thursday. They ended up taking out 1 1/2 feet of intestine. The biopsy revealed that is was NOT CANCER. Doc stated that when it was removed he would have guessed cancer, by it's shape and size.

I have been doing alot of thinking and I am not sure why GOD has been so good to me? I want to thank all you that prayed for me and wished me the best. I have always believed in GOD and prasied him, however, this event may have taken me to the next level.

I owe everyone so much!!!

I just had my "first gas movement" and there is still a long way to go in my recovery. Never did I believe that I could be made so weak by this event.

I will continue to say prayers for those on this board who need them and those less fortunate.

Thanks a MILLION TIMES OVER. I will try to keep updated, now that I am able to walk.


(ever seen a grown man cry??? I will never look at life in the same way and everyday will be one extra day that I have gained).

Good luck to all & God bless

the dog

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