Shot at my first buck today!!!!

Guest malikai

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Hey guys! I went bowhunting for deer the first time today, got up at 5 and went to the woods, at about 6 30 a nice 6 point yearling walks under my stand, I forgot that shooting it in the spine would kill it so i didnt! after he walks under me I tried to get a broadside shot but I was shaking soooo much I missed, Then later in the day i saw a doe and a fawn which were out of range but I had a great day!



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Re: Shot at my first buck today!!!!

this is a quartering away shot, the deer is at an angle looking away letting you slip the arrow up throught the lungs and out the oposite shoulder. and quartering twards shot it when the deer is at and angle looking your diresction, dont take this shot it will take a lot to get through the front shoulder.

here is a quartering away.



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Re: Shot at my first buck today!!!!

oh, thats simmilar to the one i took today, of course i had to miss lol, shane, my dad sais he will drive me out to ur place just tell me where u live.

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Re: Shot at my first buck today!!!!


Thanks for the support, so I shouldnt take a downwards shot at the spine?

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1st of all Congrats on the super 1st tie out bowhunting! Just seeing game close can be a reward in its own.

No you really should not take any shot on a deer unless its threw the vitals, mainly both lungs. Broadside or 1/4 away is the prefered bow shot.

A spine shot will kill a deer but they seem more suited for a rifle hunter.

Arrows/broadheads are made to go threw lungs and vitals for a quick and humain kill.

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Re: Shot at my first buck today!!!!

Glad you got to feel the rush of being close to game..awesome isn't it?? When you get another shot opportunity, take a couple of deep breaths while coming to full draw. When you're ready, let half of a breath out and aim for a very small spot on the deer, not just an area. It's tough I know, it takes experience to be able to keep cool during crunch time. Best of luck!!

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