Arrow size?

Guest Nightsblood

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Guest Nightsblood

Ok, Ive found my arrow size on the chart and I think Im going to try the Easton X7 cobalts, but there are several sizes and weights. For target shoots, what is more desirable, a heavy or light arrow? And what about spine size? I seem to have better performance out of my aluminum shafts, are there any disadvantages to aluminium over carbon? I know, lots of questions, but I appreciate any help offered.

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Re: Arrow size?

depends on what kind of target shooting your doing? theres Indoor target, 3d and field archery.. whats your poision?

each differant type of shooting can demand differant arrows. but you can find 1 or 2 that cross over for each one.

for Indoor target i shot easton X7 2613s. but this year im shooting Gopldtip 30X pros. for 3 d i shot Goldtip 22 series pros and for field archery i shoot Easton 3-28 Accs. but i will be switching over to a Goldtip if i shoot field next season.

for hunting i shoot Goldtip 5575 Hunter pros.. yea i got a lot of arrows hanging around. grin.gif

name a game and your bow information and lets see if we can come up with an arrow for you.

Shoot Strong


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