Tag sharing?


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I was wondering how everybody feels about sharing your tags. Or tagging deer for another hunter so he can continue to hunt, letting someone tag your so you can still hunt, etc.?

Some states this is illegal so that goes without saying on if its right or wrong.

I can understand why some states make this illegal.

For instance, buying your wife a tag and she does not hunt, just so you can tag 2 deer.

I do not agree with that.

However if a state puts out so many tags and benifits form the $$$ it gets from said tags, why does it matter who shoots? The tag is filled with deer management in mind and like I said they (the state) got their money for it. Why spend more to enforce no tag sharing?

However for guys that do hunt and want veni but can't hunt much or did not see anything. I am ok with that.

Its a grey area for sure...

But if legal would you let someone tag your deer so you could hunt more? Given you only got 1 tag for a buck, or a doe permit, etc.

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Re: Tag sharing?

If it was legal, yes with reservations. I am also concerned with the deer herd population. If I feel it's not very good in numbers, then no. But if the population is abundant and could use some thinning, then yes. But I wouldn't want a guy's buddies at work or family members that do not hunt, "get bought a license" just for the sake of the one guy shooting several.

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Re: Tag sharing?

Taking in account that it is illegal,but the question was if you could legally would you ????

I would have no problem with this...I consider that the deer would have probably be taken anyhow so why would it matter who shot it as long as the parties in question have a proper hunting license, ( not purchased for a 3yr. old that isn't capable of doing the act of hunting or buy their dog homer a tag to get more deer )so I would have to say YES if I have a legal tag that I for some reason I would't be able to fill but a buddy could I'm for it...

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Re: Tag sharing?

Its legal in NY to sign over your Derr Management Permit and I disagree with it. It gives hunters the ability to have friends and family buy tags that would have never been bought and fill them with deer that would have never been shot. Plus they are for antlerless deer also. Its a big money grab from the state. They sell more licenses because the people that have no intention of hunting all year, buy licenses so someone who kills a lot of deer can fill it for them. I am DEAD SET against it!

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Re: Tag sharing?


Illegal here also. Not a fan of it. To each there own, but I could never tag a deer someone else shot. Wheres the satisfaction in that???????????????

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Same here! I just heard of a story where some guy shot 7 or 8 bucks on his 1000 acers of land because his buddies cant walk anymore! He just filled their tags!!! Thats BS!!!!!!!!!


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Re: Tag sharing?

Party hunting is legal in Iowa (shotgun seasons only) and I don't have a problem with it when it is legally done. You can't possess another hunters tag so that person must be there to tag the deer (within fifteen minutes or before it is moved). I have no problem shooting a deer for someone else it they so desire it; I've put meat in the freezer for many people in my group.

I have no idea about the deer herds in other states, but party hunting has been legal here for as long as I can remember and our deer herd is growing almost every year. To each is own, but I like it because it allows me to hunt with family and friends for more of the season instead of staying home when I fill my tag.

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Re: Tag sharing?

To be honest I know several guys who do this. I have in the past.

In VT its, well, I am not sure if its illegal or not.

The stipulation says "tags are not transferable".

What this means to me is I just can not give my tag to hunter A and have him use it as his own, on his own, as if it was bought and associated with his licence.

The law about tagging and transporting an animal states the licencee of the tagged animal must be done in the field at recovery, be present during transportation, and must be checked in within 24 hours of the kill.

If they are there and slap there tag on my deer then go and check it in, I suppose thats legal. Nothing in the law that states a deer must be tag and it must be used by the shooter...

Hmmm, may have to really look into that....

I guess it could be looked at in an extreme case of if a hunter finds a freshly killed deer and no one comes to get it, within reason, he can put his tag on it and claim it.

In every case a tag was shared with me, the owner of that tag was there, and checked the deer in. In most cases took the deer as his own. Or went 50:50 on the meat.

The benifit to me was to be able to continue to hunt or keep arrangements to go to camp, etc, etc...

I do know of guys who buy tags for there family members (hunters and non-hunters) and abuse this too. I feel thats not right.

Just like a dad who shoots a deer for his kid on youth weekend.

Ok lets not go down that road again..... LOL

Just like anything else, there are positives and ways to abuse it.

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Re: Tag sharing?

I must admit, i have done this before. For instance, the first morning of shotgun season this year my dad shot a 6 pt'er. He only had 1 tag, and he wanted to keep hunting (just to be out there i think) so i let him use my tag cuz i still had a doe tag. So I mean i am ok with that. On the other hand, a guy that hunted on our property 2 years back met up w/ me after the morning hunt and said he shot 2 NIIICE bucks and was going to get his wife on the other end of the property to get her tag. We were extremely upset with that to say the least. Thats a lil ridiculous

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Re: Tag sharing?

There are times when game management departments almost appear to be panicky about their perceived inability to control the deer herd numbers. Whenever they receive any news that indicates that license sales are down, they begin worrying about their main tool for population control.....the hunter. They worry about a time when results will fail no matter how many permits are issued. I'm sure they are experimenting with schemes to ensure that every tag that gets issued, gets filled. Tag sharing is just another way of achieving that goal.

Agreeing with the practice or not is kind of a moot point. If they convince themselves that it is necessary, they will do it.


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Re: Tag sharing?

In wisconsin you can shoot for someone elses tag as long as they are present to tag the animal after the kill and register it. I like this system. Especialy for drives and if I'm in the woods and my dad has a buck tag.. Mine is filled.. and my dad and i are hunting in seprate locations. If i see a big buck walk by you can bet that thing is hamburger.

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Re: Tag sharing?

Not legal in Montana and I am definitely against it. I am aware of several woman who filled their tags here who have never hunted in their lifes. To say that any one particular deer, elk or whatever would have been shot anyway is just conjecture and to use someone elses tag just so that you can continue hunting is selfish and if not illegal, definitely unethical. When it comes to controlling the deer population any additional doe (or buck) tags are based upon a certain hunter success percentage which becomes skewed when one, more lucky, hunter is presented with opportunities to "fill" other people's tags. If the deer population is too high the game departments can always issue more permits. Obviously, if the law says the tag/permit is non-transferrable it means that the privilege to hunt/harvest that it provides can not be transferred to another, therefore, you can not harvest a deer for another person. Just because you know someone who is willing to let you "fill" a tag for them in essence gives you an unfair advantage over someone who knows of no such individual, and thus gives you an extended, but not deserved, season after having already shot your deer. With the exception of helping the disabled, I can see absolutely no reason, except greed, any self respecting hunter would do this sort of thing. In areas where this is all one has known in their hunting life, and it is legal, I am sure you feel there is nothing wrong with this practice. I respectfully disagree. No offense intended and this is just my opinion.

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Re: Tag sharing?


I wouldn't buy a tag for another person that doesn't hunt just so i could have an extra.

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I don't buy tags for those who don't hunt just to get an extra. In Iowa they are begging for hunters to shoot as many does as possible and there are many extra doe tags available for almost every county.

I respect the opinions of those who don't like party hunting, and I don't condone it where it is not legal. I also fail to understand those who are against certain practices (whatever they are) because they know of someone who abuses said practice. If we took that to its logical conclusion one could be against every form of hunting because there are always going to be those who abuse the system or cheat someway. JMHO

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Re: Tag sharing?

well said smallmunster....this topic surely does have it's pros cand cons. I can honestly say that if my father that has certian health conditions that might prohibit his filling of a tag that he purchased and could not fill on his own, I would happily fill it for him so he had venison to enjoy. I in noway think this makes me selfish and I think it was stated where is the satifaction, well I will say it's in the fact that my father has venison in the freezer and a smile on his face. In saying this I in no way condone the abuse of this practice, but think it is necesary in some cases...

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Re: Tag sharing?

Its illegal in Michigan but I hear of guys at work talking about getting tags for their wives and kids. They were making them take hunters safety class just to be able to get their license just so dad could do out and shoot more deer.

I don't go for that type of behavior. I say the one who kills the deer is the legal owner of it and must use their tag. Getting tags for ma, grandma, great grandma, little suzy, uncle bill, grandpa joe just makes the hunter out to be too greedy. He's looking for others to fill his needs.

I think with limited tags it leads to more selective hunting and in my area it may help our buck to doe ratio which is out of control. Seems like 10 does to 1 buck in some areas. Season runs long here, Oct. 1 to Jan. 2 so if people are limited on the kills they may take their time and be more selective. Having lots of tags belonging to others just leads to trouble. Just my opinion.


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Re: Tag sharing?

If it were legal in Maine, I wouldn't have a problem filling someone else's tag. I know a lot of families that rely on venison in the freezer to make it through the winter. I would have a problem filling the tag of someone who is too lazy to get out in the woods and hunt for themselves though. And it would have to be the last hour of the last day of the season before I would tag something someone else shot. As JimT wrote, there's no satisfaction in that.

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Re: Tag sharing?


In wisconsin you can shoot for someone elses tag as long as they are present to tag the animal after the kill and register it. I like this system. Especialy for drives and if I'm in the woods and my dad has a buck tag.. Mine is filled.. and my dad and i are hunting in seprate locations. If i see a big buck walk by you can bet that thing is hamburger.

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That is what I did this year. A buddy of mine shot a doe on Thursday. On Friday, just before we started a drive, he walked up on a fawn. It wasn't shot, but it's front legs weren't working. He shot it, I hadn't killed anything yet and had plenty of tags, so I tagged it and registered it and kept the meat. Worked out well. Instances like that, I'm ok with it.

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