2005 Bowtech with Binary Cam System


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I have seen a couple of posts on other sites about the new binary (hybrid cam system) of the 2005 Bowtechs - the Allegiance and Defender.

Apparently speeds of 300 fps+ are easily acheived - even at moderate poundage and a 28 inch draw!

Allegedly zero hand shock, smooth shooting, and great looks.

These just might help put this rapidly up and coming company past Mathews for once and all.

I am still not 100 percent sold on the hybrid cam systems, and REALLLLLLLLLLLY want a Mathews BAD - but these may make me look more at these when I am ready to buy another bow.

I'll try to find some pics.

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Re: 2005 Bowtech with Binary Cam System

I don't think that'll put them over Mathews. They are at the top with Mathews and Hoyt, but not at the very top yet. BowTech has used a lot of Mathews' ideas (parallel limbs) and now Hoyt's newest idea (hybrid cam). BowTech needs to have original innovations of their own to push them higher. JMHO.

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Re: 2005 Bowtech with Binary Cam System

Good replies so far !

I agree that they are not yet on par with Hoythews (lazy typer).

Last year when they released the 2 new models I was in love - but the more I think aboput a new bow - I get drawn to Mathews. I especially like the Legacy - but am looking at the LX and the Outback. So far the new Switchback does nothing for me.

As with every premium bow - they all have their strong suits.


This thread was not posted to start a debate or war about ANY bow manufacturers. Please do not reply if you intent to start a "My Dad can kick your Dad's butt" post.

Follow suit of the GENTLEMEN that have already replied - Thank you.

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Re: 2005 Bowtech with Binary Cam System


I especially like the Legacy

[/ QUOTE ]

Don't know for sure if it'll be around in 2005 or not. I'll be in a toss up between the Outback and Switchback. If it's as close as I think it'll be, the speed of the Switchback might swing me.

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