What to do...help


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I need some opinions guys, but first et me give you some background, i've been bow hunting for 6 years now and haven't gotten my first kill yet and i'm really hoping to do so this year, so heres my problem, I have to many places to hunt and i can't decide what to do, I have one place I can go where I can only shoot does but is should definately get a shot at one there, or i could go to one of my leases and be able to shoot anything, but i may not see anything there, or my last choice which is go to my other lease where i can shoot does, spikes, and 8 point or better and have a decent chance at killing something, and be close enough to back into town and go to the Texas A&M vs. Texas Tech game

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Guest HaDeRonDa

Re: What to do...help

If you haven't harvested a deer yet I feel you should go with the area that has more deer.

It may give you a practice draw cycle at game and help you with the first time jitters. You may not have them at all though.

Flatheads taste good!!!!

Good luck this year.

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Re: What to do...help


If you haven't harvested a deer yet I feel you should go with the area that has more deer.

It may give you a practice draw cycle at game and help you with the first time jitters. You may not have them at all though.

Flatheads taste good!!!!

Good luck this year.

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I couldn't agree more. After 6 years, you need a confidence builder. grin.gif

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Re: What to do...help



If you haven't harvested a deer yet I feel you should go with the area that has more deer.

It may give you a practice draw cycle at game and help you with the first time jitters. You may not have them at all though.

Flatheads taste good!!!!

Good luck this year.

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I couldn't agree more. After 6 years, you need a confidence builder. grin.gif

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i agree here also

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Re: What to do...help

1st froget about the games if your really interested in harvesting a "deer". then decide if you wish to get a doe or hold out for a buck.

If it were me and in your shoes with a 6 year dry spell, Id go for the most % chance at getting a deer then worry about bucks and games later.


Or just pick your 3rd option. LOL

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Re: What to do...help

well guys thanks for all the input, but it looks like my choice has been narrowed because my hunting buddies for options two and three are hunting elsewhere also, so it looks like i'm hunting slickheads opening weekend, but thats fine with me like you all said i just want to get one under my belt

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