Looks like a new daddy again....


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Re: Looks like a new daddy again....

Awwwwwwwwww.................congrats to the new parents. grin.gif Be sure and post pics.

BTW...........Brady is a good name. You coulda really messed up and called him Roethlesburger. grin.gifgrin.gif

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Re: Looks like a new daddy again....

I've been trying to do the same with our's. I just took some blood from where we thaw meat out and make a short trail, placing a drop every few feet. Put a reward at the end. Make sure you start out at very short distances and try to keep a straight line. I've gradually lengthened the distance and started going to one side or the other. She's done pretty well. Hopefully I can get her to track one this season if needed!

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Re: Looks like a new daddy again....


BTW...........Brady is a good name. You coulda really messed up and called him Roethlesburger

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Yeah, but hopefully you could have spelled Roethlisberger the right way. grin.gif

Shawn, your wife's been listening to "The Morning Round-Up" on WOKO hasn't she? The D.J. on there named his lab the same thing for the same reason.

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Re: Looks like a new daddy again....



BTW...........Brady is a good name. You coulda really messed up and called him Roethlesburger

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Yeah, but hopefully you could have spelled Roethlisberger the right way. grin.gif

Shawn, your wife's been listening to "The Morning Round-Up" on WOKO hasn't she? The D.J. on there named his lab the same thing for the same reason.

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Not sure if she does or not but she is a big Pats fan, so I just assumed thats how she came up with it.

It could of been Vinatieri; thats who she was really hot for. LOL

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Re: Looks like a new daddy again....



Enjoy the bawling... grin.gif

I love beagles but they NEVER shut up... wink.gif

Beatiful dogs regardless.

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You got that right! crazy.gif

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You guys ain't kidding... My fathers purebreed Beagle sounds off bigtime, and just wont quit ..... crazy.gifcrazy.gif

He's agreat little dog tho I must say......

Congrats on the new addition to the family Shawn.... cool.gif

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Re: Looks like a new daddy again....

Well I got the shiny now.

He is not as puppy as my wife and her coworker had thought. More like a year, maybe older.

He is already well trained IMO.

Asks to go out to pee, does not bark at all, or at least yet, did not chew a dang thing, and I purposely left the trash can full last night to see if he would get into it.

Nope, he stayed on his blanket and slept right beside us (on the floor) until 4am when he needed to go out a pee again.

I think out of the 2 breeds of beagle, he is the smaller and my wife just thought he was younger.

Although he still does have that cute look so he may just be a good dog.

One sad thing.

We think he was abused since he really cowers away from anyone that reaches a hand down to him to pet him.

He is super affectionate and love the attention he is getting from eveyone in my household.

I know very little about them and plan to do some research on the breed today.

I did not take pics yet but will tommorow when I have the day off.

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Re: Looks like a new daddy again....

You'll overcome that fear he has if you show him enough love and attention wink.gif

LOL...Hotdogs dont hurt either grin.gif

Harley was rescued from a shelter and we got him from Tampa Bay Beagle Rescue. He was somewhere between 1-2 yrs old and had some basic obedience training, was house trained, and was afraid of his own shadow. Everytime you raised your hand this dog bolted into hiding somewhere.


He was alot like your dog sounds to be when we first got him...believe me he is Completely over that tongue.gif

Now he believes its his job to get inbetween me and the wife if we raise our voice, talk with our hands in anyway, or play rough with each other. Then he checks with both of us to see if we are OK and lays his head against us when we pet him.

Other than his toenails growing like crazy and he hates his feet touched in anyway...we have zero problems with him at all.

I'm sure you will grow very attached to your new buddy wink.gif

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Re: Looks like a new daddy again....

Yep Gary this little guy was a day away from being brought down to the Humaine Society.

I obviously need more time to see how he really acts but I was very surprized at how well behaved he was with us in one evening and all night long. I expected some barking at minimum.

LOL I already know what you mean about the nails.

They "click" quite a bit on those hardwood floors. LOL

Thats how I knew he had to go out late last night. I heard him clicking away between the back door and my room 3 or 4 times. LOL

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