first aid


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I've allways been a safety first kind of guy. I don't go into the woods without my first aid kit packed in my pack. This year I have a couple of trips out of state and on big pieces of land. I decided to get a staple kit as well. Hope to never use it but want it for a worse case situation. Problem is it didn't come with any instructions and I don't know anything about how to use it. Anyone in here have some medical training or know of a site to get some information on how to use a disposable staple kit.

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Re: first aid

I personally would suggest taking alot a clean gauze and use tight compression on the wound lord forbid it happens. Things like you are talking about can cause more damage than good if accidently used incorrectly. I know this isn't the answer you were looking for, but I could see one of those redneck jokes for some

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Re: first aid

You are talking to the first aid freak here,lol. I have certifications in CPR for the professional rescuer, Solo Wilderness First Responder, Lifeguard and first aid...A staple kit, although it might be useful in a really bad scenario, I think is probably a little overkill. I would suggest having putting in your kit various sizes of gauze pads, a few gauze rolls, something for applying pressure such as an ace wrap or cloth bandage. If you have a really bad wound anyway, you'll want to apply pressure to it, and stapling it, if you are out in the wilderness, you are more likely to probably get a nasty infection. Better to wrap it up and get to a hospital somewhere. Of course, hopefully that won't happen. Solo WFR was a course I took last summer, intense training of emergency care in the wilderness; didn't talk about staple kits. Just my two cents. If you want to know about the staple kit, then I'd suggest talking to a doctor or search google or something.

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Re: first aid

I have been a nurse for over 15 years and the only time I have ever seen a disposable staple kit used is in the emergency room. I am very surprised you were able to buy a staple kit over the counter. Take another look at it and make sure it is not a staple removal kit. That makes more sense. As for use of it. Don't bother you need to control the bleeding before you can close the wound. Apply your practical first aid and go from there.


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Re: first aid


It came with a staple removal kit as well. Bought them at cabela's online. Good information to know. Main reason I got it was I have a trip coming up that will put a couple of us several miles from anyone and I thought it would be good for the worse case situation.

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Like others have said, start with basic first aid and go from there. If your planning on being that deep in the woods. Instead of a staple kit I would be more concern about having communications to the outside world in the invent of a life threatening emergency! Maybe look into them satellite phones that you can rent for a month, also a good GPS unit!

I was an EMT for 9 years, spent 10 total years on an ambulance. Believe me if they don't teach you how to apply staples, then you shouldn't attempt it. Could cause more harm than good! JMHO!

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Re: first aid

As mentioned above, 2 primary concerns:

1) always control bleeding first

(NOTE: any wound that bleeds signficantly and requires more than just minor direct pressure to stop bleeding needs to be evaluated).

2) NEVER close a wound without cleaning it out

(NOTE: to do this adequately usually requires local anesthetic).

3) Remember your tetanus status...

I would never close a wound in the field, better to leave it open than close it dirty. Leave that for Rambo...

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