Will Bucks Cross Water?

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I am planning on hunting a small piece of public land on the Eastern border of Nebraska that touches the Missouri river. In this area, the Missouri is channelized, which makes it very deep and swift. What are my odds of some Iowa deer crossing the Missouri onto the land that I am hunting?

The timber on this land is mostly surrounded by a canal that comes off the river on the north end and re-connects to the river on the south end, making a big island. This canal is about 40 ft wide and waist deep. The banks are fairly steep and tough for me to climb. I haven't seen any really obvious deer crossings. There is lots of cover and timber on the island, but all of the crops are on the main land. Do you guys think the deer from the main land will cross this canal to bed in the timber?

Before you guys decide that I am crazy, let me explain to you my thought process. Keep in mind that this land is public land in eastern Nebraska, the most populated part of the state. I am hoping that, when the hunting pressure is too much for the bigger bucks to take, they will bed in deep cover, i.e. on my island. I am planning on setting a stand deep in the timber on the secluded island, where the hunting pressure will be low(because it is over a mile back in there!). So now... am I crazy, or does this seem like an effective plan?

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Guest nebraskahunter

Re: Will Bucks Cross Water?

I'm also from eastern part of Nebraska and I used to live in Sioux City IA. and hunted alot of ducks along the missouri from about Salix to Missourivalley and have seen plenty of deer swim that river more from Nebraska during rifle season.

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Re: Will Bucks Cross Water?

Hunting islands on a river is one of the best places for big bucks. We always get a group of guys together during bow season and have pushers and standers and drive the islands. It is probably the most exciting things that I have ever done. At times the deer will be so close when they come thru that you can reach out and touch them. I have actually had to jump out of the way to avoid being run over by a few does. The great part about these islands is that the does will run down the island while the bucks will sneak through making for an easier shot. I have seen some of the biggest bucks I have ever seen on these islands and must say that it is an adrenilen rush.

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Guest asilvia68

Re: Will Bucks Cross Water?

Deer will deffinetly swim to an island. I line in Rhode Island and on the Narragansett we have 2 large islands, Prudence and Patience. There is a large population of deer on those 2 islands and I dont think they are more then 100-150 acres.

During the summer, I would go out with my grandfather in his 42ft cabin cruiser and anchor between them. In the morning I would see 10-20 deer swim between them and the mainland. Oh and its salt water also.

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Re: Will Bucks Cross Water?

I quite often hunt a ladder stand next to a river where the deer used to have a good preferred crossing where the water was shallow and the river was pretty narrow. Watch deer cross the water there every year. Have called several bucks in across the water over the years with a grunt call in mid November.

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Re: Will Bucks Cross Water?


I'm also from eastern part of Nebraska and I used to live in Sioux City IA. and hunted alot of ducks along the missouri from about Salix to Missourivalley and have seen plenty of deer swim that river more from Nebraska during rifle season.

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I see your from Wayne. I have taken several good bucks around there when I was a WSC student. Dixon county gave me my personal best buck.

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