Tommy Thompson's an idiot.


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Re: Tommy Thompson\'s an idiot.

I am sure that was a "smite the forehead moment" for the terrorists. "Osama! we never thought of the food and water! What were we thinking?! Quick to the drawing board, Oh thank you Secretary Thompson."

I agree he should not have said it, but really is not news is it?

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Re: Tommy Thompson\'s an idiot.

Ok slugger, I'll bite ...LOL grin.gif

Ever since 9/11 everyone and his brother/mother have been giving away the weak spots in the USA, on the news. Have you just noticed this now?? ooo.gif

I was listening to the news to the news just last week where they were telling everyone how unsecure the border crossing bridges are between the US and Canada. They showed how easy it would be to drive a truck-load of exposives, across any bridge/border-crossing, and blow up the bridge ...because the vehicals are not checked before the crossing, but after they cross.

Now, after saying that, this thread makes you and I just as guilty as the rest of the idiot media, because here we are, discussing it on an open forum for everyone to see and get ideas from. crazy.gif

I do agree with you though, the news media is very irresponsible, but at the same time, it makes me wonder, what, if anything, would be done to protect these weaknesses, if they were'nt brought to the lime-light. Sure does make me wonder. confused.gif

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Re: Tommy Thompson\'s an idiot.

Tommy Thompson, the greatest Wisconsin Governor of all time, is awesome!

Okay, what Tommy Thompson said was a warning. It's something that anyone with a brain would conclulde as a serious vulnerability to our national security.

No doubt the terrorists have thought of that. In fact, this is NOT the first time Tommy Thompson has warned the nation about this...he did so a year or two ago. Sadly, it seems we've done little or nothing to address this threat and I'm glad that this time it's at least gettting SOME media attention.

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Re: Tommy Thompson\'s an idiot.

Honestly, I get ticked when people make comments like his. Sure, its obvious the terrorists have thought of it, but lets just suppose they are too dumb to have. Now they know its easy to get into. Great going. It was probably a last ditch effort to harm Bush in some way shape or form.


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Re: Tommy Thompson\'s an idiot.

Buckee, it's one thing for news media or anchors to do some investigative "reporting" on bridge structures or airport security. It's another thing entirely for a member of an executive administration who is entrusted with top secret national security issues, regardless of whether he has said it before or since, it's not his place or business to be giving out hints, we have expelled journalists from Iraq for giving away supposed troop movements, this is NO DIFFERENT. And as far as a liberal democrat saying this , I would react the same, national security is national security, but one dumb assed comment deserves another, if this had been a liberal democrat who had made this comment, you guys would have out the hanging rope right now.

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Re: Tommy Thompson\'s an idiot.



You really believe the terrorists have NOT thought about that/// I am sure if it were a liberal democrat you would have hailed him as a God... tongue.gif

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Well said.

No telling what Thompson was thinking when he made the comment.

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He obviously wasn't thinking. Norm Sauceman, read above post for response to your dumb statement.

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Re: Tommy Thompson\'s an idiot.

OK - Time for some insider information. I'm involved in the public water supply sector and get countless security alerts from the FBI, DHS, Water ISAC, and other agencies. These alerts are in response to intelligence that says al-Qeada and other terrorist groups are ACTIVELY trying to target our food and water supplies. They've been doing it for years. Its only through our continued vigilance and the safeguards that are built into the US supply system that we stay safe.

I don't think Secretary Thompson let out any great national secret with his earlier statements.

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Re: Tommy Thompson\'s an idiot.


Buckee, it's one thing for news media or anchors to do some investigative "reporting" on bridge structures or airport security. It's another thing entirely for a member of an executive administration who is entrusted with top secret national security issues, regardless of whether he has said it before or since, it's not his place or business to be giving out hints

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Yes the news media investigates stories and talk about it on TV. They don't just sit there and talk about it among themselves though. They have interviews with top officials in charge of airport security, border security, etc, etc, etc. These officials are in the same league as Thompson or anyone else in charge of something that may be of interest when it comes to national security.

Why your making a big deal about this particular guy is beyond me.

Actually, I'm not as worried about terrorists getting any ideas, (since they've already done their homework) but more afraid of some sicko-wacko Canadian or American getting ideas for something fun to do, to make themselves famous.

All those interviews bother me to some extent (the same as they bother you), but as I said before it does cause those in charge to take a closer look at what they are or are not doing to upgrade security in all these areas of concern.

OH, slugger, try to refrain from calling my friends .. it doesn't help you look any smarter. wink.gif

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Re: Tommy Thompson\'s an idiot.

I just read todays paper and they had an editorial cartoon. The cartoon showed two Al Queada members in a cave watching TV. The TV was showing Tommy Thompson saying: "I'm surprised that terrorists haven't tried to kill americans through our food supply." The one Al Queda member looks to the other and says: "yeah, why haven't we?" The other Al Queda says: "because they're trying to kill themselves already!" while he's holding up a newspaper article with a pic of a big fat hamburger advertising 1420 calories and 107 grams of fat. smirk.gif

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