dropaway rests

Guest wasp

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I would like to hear from anyone using dropaway rests. What kind are you using,the best ones, any of them freeze up in cold weather. Which ones hold your arrow so it doesnt fall off? Any info would be appreciated. Thanks wasp

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Re: dropaway rests

I have a NAP 4000 and love it, the arrow could fall off but I don't stalk. I know Ripcord rests prevent the arrow from coming out if you plan on doing alot of moving. I also have a Trap door, it works off inertia meaning no cords or strings. That is my back up I take just in case something happens.

I have hunted in some cold temps and my rest have never froze up. Never been in freezing rain with my bow as to me, being in a tree with those conditions are too dangerous.

There are tons out there and lots of great choices, sometimes you can find a good use one for half the price over at www.archerytalk.com in the classifieds. You will find ones in mint condition because of guys wanted to try different ones. So you can get a top of the line rest for under $50.00 at times.

Good luck if you get one, you will like it alot and you should see an improvement in your groupings of arrows.

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Re: dropaway rests

I gave you some information on my setups in the archery room. Dont miss that.

I have shot a few differnt types and thus far my favorite either has to be the shaky hunter or the Nap quicktune. If I had to choose just one id go with the Shaky.

I couldnt see them freezin unless you dipped your bow in water or it drew some serious moisture. They far surpass a prong style rest. Youll be happy you made the switch. As I stated in the other room, its about the best thing ive ever done for my archery setup.

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Re: dropaway rests

Trophy Taker for me.. i shoot the original on both my hunting and competition bows.

if you want to shoot a TT and want a little more prong to hold the arrow on they make a shakey hunter prong and a new proghorn this year.

mine has never frozen up and i have hunted some brutal weather here in Iowa..

Shoot Strong


Trophy Taker is one of the best drop aways out there.

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Re: dropaway rests



Just dont mind the click the TT makes at the end of the shot...


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Is there anything better? That sound is small. Have someone stand 20 yards from you and ask them if they hear it.

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I did and yeah they could hear it ... and it doesn't matter if they can hear it I can and it bothers me I dont want to wonder if a deer can hear it or not ... I know if I can hear it the deer which can hear way better then anyone I know can certainly hear it also ... I just wish I knew where mine was so I could give it away to someone who could use it .... and yes there a plenty of others out there that are better lol if you must ask.


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Re: dropaway rests



Just dont mind the click the TT makes at the end of the shot...


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The pro shop I use has a way to make them quiet, I can post pics if need be

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Why aren't they quiet right out of the package .. how stupid is it that they sell a rest that clicks ... which most ppl dont deny ... and you have to go to the shelf and put something on it that makes it quiet ... really really stupid if you ask me ....sell it the right way or take it off the shelves ... just stupid....


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