Moultrie digital


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Re: Moultrie digital

Have personally never used a moultrie cam. Have seen some mixed reviews on them though, even in here seems there have been some really disappointed users.

Seems with the moultries people either get a decent cam and they like it or they get one of the many that moultrie has put out that don't work right or take lousy pics and they hate it. With all the problems that they have had with their cams, I would not waste my money on one.

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Re: Moultrie digital

Here is link to pictures from my brand new Moultrie Gane Wathcer 2.1. The fastest shutter time possible is 1 minute. It needs to be set up in a way that will maximize the amount of time the deer are in front of the camera. Such as a feeder or facing down a trail. Without an SD Memory card it will take 97 low res pics and 17 hi res pics. I am using this camera because I can keep them there long enough to get the pics. I am going to get a 256 MB memory disc. That way, it will take 1,711 low res and 466 hi res. Right now my pics are on low res becasue I haven't got the disc yet. I will be getting 2 cards though, that way, I don't need to take the whole camera home to view the pics, just replace one card with another. The reason I bought this camera is so that I am not out a bunch of money if it gets stolen and I really don't have time to make my own right now because I am working so much.

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Guest HaDeRonDa

Re: Moultrie digital


Go through the steps/ instructions step by step and you may have to a few times, I did. Then take a few days and play around with it at home on your or your neighbors pets.

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Re: Moultrie digital

I just got the moultrie 2.1 mp. I put it out and I'm having a little trouble. they say that it takes still pictures in low light or at night. The problem is it's taken 4 pictures between 8:15 and 9 am and it took still pictures but not the video. Is there some kind of delay between that still and the video? I have it set to video on high res.

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