how organized is you duck boat???

total disaster

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I brought most of my sea ducking gear home now to over haul it for later on this winter plus I am busy lobstering now smirk.gif ...anyways I have only been going seaducking for 3 years on my own and I find it very hard to keep a organized with 3 flying decoys 6 landing decoys plus floating plat forms for them , 40+ decoys gas tanks a lobster crate for decoy lines and anchor lines plus a duck tub all in a 16 foot boat its hard to keep organized frown.gif plus 3 guys LOL now I have more decoys to put aboard plus 3 more flyers I am thinking I need a bigger boat grin.gif although we can have all our gear set up in about 20 mins

anyways how do you guys keep your boat organized???

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Guest benelli_man_84

Re: how organized is you duck boat???


Its not, we fill the boat up w/ decoys (about 6-8 dozen) then put everything else where ever it'll fit. . . . then about 10 minutes before daylight we start the "where's my ****, where's my ****, where's my ***"

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I just had to take out the middle bench on my 16 foot johnboat to hold all my ****. I usually go with about 3-4 dozen duck decoys and about 16 goose decoys plus a dog, another hunter and all our ****. It gets pretty cramped quick.


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Re: how organized is you duck boat???

Took the middle bench out of mine too, we are always ridin' low. . . . on the way out Saturday we had all the decoys, 3 hunters, 2 dogs, and all the stuff needed to camp out for the night before which includes 2 coolers, and just the random stuff. It was stupid and dangerous. . . . we'll make separate trips next time.

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Guest benelli_man_84

Re: how organized is you duck boat???

I had too much **** in my boat a few weeks ago. We were in the middle of a storm hunting as well. My boat got swamped on an island. The corps of engineers had to come help us out. I will never pull a stunt like that again either.

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