Need Advise


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I've been working part-time for Dick's Sporting Goods as the bow tech for about 6 months, and I've often toyed with the idea of opening my own Proshop. Well today a man came in asking for me by name, and proceeded to tell me that he'd driven all the way from Hicksville, N.Y. on Long Island so that I would work on his bow, because he heard of the work that I do.

This has me seriously looking into opening the shop. I'm wondering if I should or not. It would only be a small one and part-time at best.

What do y'all think?

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Guest bowhunter56

Re: Need Advise

go for it, you never want to look back and say "I wish I would have tried it" Look at all we have in life, if the inventors never tried, where would we be, look at all the people that come to this country and start stores, their own businesses, they didn't ask, they DID IT....

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Guest HaDeRonDa

Re: Need Advise

I'd save your money. I mean, just save it. Starting a shop is EXPENSIVE!!!

Location is everything as I'm sure you know. I know a few guys who love the sport but hate the job.

If you aren't open when you don't want to be no one will come. The hours can really stink just to break even. When the kids want to hunt you might not be able to take them.

I'd talk to a bunch of guys who have shops, who don't know you from Adam, and have that advise help you decide. Do not let a bow companies rep. help you decide. They will try.

Also, if you do decide to open a shop, get an inventory list from a few shops and have that be the list you work from.

Good luck

Don't let the passion become the headache you regret.

On a side note: You do have some other Vermont boys that might be able to lend you a hand. That is what friends are for....

Smoke the competition!!!!! Make it Hoyt them right in the wallet. LMBO



PS. Don't forget a website and mail order

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Re: Need Advise

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Actually, I have a 2 car garage that I'm turning into a bow shop already. It was going to be for myself, but it wouldn't take much to get it set as a business, and I live in an area that allows businesses out of residences.

HaDeRonDa, I hear ya on all points. The good thing is that I have my father and brother who are willing to help out. I've been around proshops enough to get a good behind the scenes as to what goes on and I've been to dealer shows and talked to a lot of them that say it's the best thing they've ever done.

Location is important, and thankfully there aren't any Cabelas, BassProShops, or the like anywhere near here, lol.

After having countless customers ask me if I'll be opening my own shop and then having this guy drive all the way here from Long Island, I'm going to go for it.

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Guest HaDeRonDa

Re: Need Advise


After having countless customers ask me if I'll be opening my own shop and then having this guy drive all the way here from Long Island, I'm going to go for it.

[/ QUOTE ]


I hope you do do it with great success. Good bow shops are what are needed.

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