2 - Team Double Take

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Re: Team 2

Where you hosting the picture? The picture post here on RT? If so it might been moved if you put it in the wrong category. I'd go back and re-get the link to it and see where it was moved to.

If you're hosting it elsewhere double check make sure the link to the picture is correct. If you can't get it figured out I can host them for you on my photobucket if you want just shoot me a PM my way and I'll send you my e-mail. I'd post my e-mail here, but then I get spam from spambots that troll the forums for e-mails.

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Re: Team 2

Just popping in to wish everyone good luck and safe hunting. I was suppose to be upstate by now ready to go hunting this morning for the opener, but plans got changed due to my father's work schedule. I'm still going out an entire week hunting upstate for rifle deer with a doe and buck tag to fill, but not until December 1-9 and coming home the 10th (or before if my father and I tag out completely meaning we'd be bringing home two bucks and a doe). I was going to go out locally here to hunt buck only the opener, but the 100acre public hunting spot locally is packed with hunters this morning. Not worth getting shot over to hunt an area that I've yet to see any deer sign in through the months of september and october when I scouted the area. Maybe if that area dies down with the number of hunters mid week this week I'll go out one the evenings and spot and stalk hunt it hoping to by some slim chance run into a buck sneaking around.

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Re: Team 2

Well, guys I'm back. No buck for me, sadly. It took me everything the 7 days I hunted just to get a doe in order to have some deer meat in the freezer this year. I did see a buck, but he wasn't legal to kill (2 x 1). I pulled off the doe the second to last day of my hunt and that was after a very long hike far away from any road or other hunters. It got very cold with lots of snow the last 5 days of my hunting trip. Visibility most days was hard to see because of snow squalls and once it started snowing it didn't get above 10 degrees until today when we packed up to come home a day after the season ended.

The area I hunted was heavily killed off this year only one buck, possibly two, and about 10 does/button-bucks (about 1/2 of those were probably from my DMAP area and the other half from the DMAP area I didn't have a tag for) were taken at the cabins/campsites where we stayed the entire rifle season (was information given by the park ranger and several hunters that were hunting the 2 weeks straight). I had a lot of troubles with running into hunters constantly, no matter where I hunted the entire time I was up. It took a lot of hiking to get away from them and even then ran into hunters here and there that were doing the same thing as us. I soon need to find another public hunting spot somewhere else, the deer are about killed off where I hunted this year. The woods looked really unhealthy, too, lots of dead trees that had fallen down it's becoming very open with little browse for the deer.

Despite the lack of a buck, and hard hunting, I really had alot of fun, but definately don't want to try hunting the second week next year. I will stick with the first week and possibly try to find another hunting spots for next year that has more deer. I'll get my pictures up shortly, still unpacking and settling in from the 3 hour drive home.

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Re: Team 2

Nope my season is over only a doe this year for me. Our flintlock needs repairs, so I wouldn't trust it to shoot it. Plus, I didn't get my muzzleloader stamp this year. Next year I'll have more chances on a buck. I'm getting money together to break down and buy a new bow so that I can get back into archery, since now I'm able to pull 40# with my bad shoulder again. Good luck to everyone who still has an open deer hunting season left!

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Re: Team 2

I've still got until the end of the month here in CT, plan on going out this afternoon, and tomorrow, and hunting until the end of the month trying to improve on my doe! I thought I was going to be able to last Sat, shot either a big 6 or a small 8 it was hard to tell what it was...I believed the shot was good, complete pass through, bright red blood, and a good trail, after the shot, I still waited about an hour before starting to track it with a friend, we tracked it for 5 hours SAT evening, and didn't find it, I went back SUN morn, and picked up the trail, and searched another 6 hours, and the trail just dried up, so I never found him..:( Needless to say I was very disappointed, but not discouraged! Good Luck to everyone still hunting. -- Van

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Re: Team 2

Season Extended.....I just picked up some property in one of the zones that will allow me to extend my season till the end of Jan...Needless to say I'm pretty excited about the opportunity! Now all I need to do is be able to submit an upgrade for our team! Best of luck to everyone else still hunting, and I'll keep everyone posted on here of the outcome of my hunts! -- Van

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