4 - The Rib Ticklers

4 - The Rib Ticklers  

  1. 1. 4 - The Rib Ticklers

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Re: Team 4


Thanks for the info Shawn, thats what I've been doing wrong. Lol.. Not! Did you make it out with your little one?

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Nope not yet been working 12s the past few days. Got one more tommorow and then I have 4 off. Looks like Tuesday will be my father/daughter trip but that means since its all planned and she is soooo excited to go that I will get a nice one Monday.

I will still bring her out and go threw the motions even though I will not have a tag if I do score Monday.

Yea and then I will see a true monster and be taggless.


Good Luck to all whos out there now..

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Re: Team 4


Hey Joe Pics? I want to see that critter.

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Pics will be posted on the 27th. I finished off the roll this past weekend. My wife is dropping off the film at Wally World today. I will get them back tomorrow because my truck is in the shop. Unfortunately the bad news is that I will be leaving for Thanksgiving vacation tomorrow and I will not have time to post them.

Now for the good news. laugh.gif We had our opening day of shotgun season on Saturday 11/18. I got a 7 point so I will add a couple more points to our score. He isn't a monster, just a 1-1/2 year old buck but he has 7 legal points.

I apologise for the delay. I promise, promise, promise, you will have pics one week from today.


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Re: Team 4

I took a doe yesterday. I submitted it, but anticipate upgrading with some type of buck before the season is over, at the very least a cull.


Due to not having a pic with me & doe together, it will not be entered into the contest. But, don't worry team, I will get some points before the season is over and get the pics right. grin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gif

Here is the whole story, got to the stand at 3:45, feeder went off at 4:00, had the doe loaded in the truck at 4:15. Neck shot @ 120 yards, no tracking required.


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Re: Team 4

Congrats to both Joe and tt on your deer.Great to see some pics hint ,hint... lol just kidding Joe. I was able to get out this evening, seen 3 whitetail bucks all within bow range but not quite what I was lookin for just yet.

Things are finally warming up I could here lots of grunting and chasing going on.

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Re: Team 4


Great to see some pics hint ,hint... lol just kidding Joe.

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Ok, Ok I can take a hint. Here is a pic of my 7 point. I will have more in a week.

I leave at 6pm tonight for Thanksgiving and 5 days of hunting grin.gif I will log off at 2:30pm today and I will not be back till late Sunday. Good luck to everyone.



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Re: Team 4

Congrats to both of you!

I went out yesterday after 4 days of 12s. Sat all morning and got nuttin but cold. (did not eat supper the evening before nor breakfast-I had nuttin in the furnace-LOL)

Got down early to go wqarm up in my heated box stand until 10am and then went to check my camera over looking a scrape but only had 1 event. I checked some of the other scrapes around this tiny food plot and saw 1 was absolutely hammered with doe and buck prints. Dirt kicked everywhere.

I set my camera up over it and went home for lunch.

Got back about an hour later and sat in a bow stand that is about 75 yards down wind from this scrape.

Had 3 come directly behind me with about 10 minutes of legal light left. They stayed RIGHT under me and never made the last few steps to exit the wood line.

I could not move since they were right under and behind me so I could not tell if it were buck or doe but it was 3 of them.

They snuck around and exited the woods line about 60 yards away still wanting that food plot.

3 doe.

Tongiht I bring the little girl out with me and hope to see something for her sake.

Keep at it team 4!

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Re: Team 4

Well my firearms season is over.

Got to work 12s the last 3 days of it. (Then 5 days on nights.)

I got a chance to go out thanksgiving morning and saw tons of deer moving, 3 bucks even, but nothing legal.

Story of my entire season thus far.

I have 8 days of work now then ML seasonstarts. I have a doe permit so hopefully I can at least put some veni in the freezer and 5 points for the team.

Still hopefull for a decent buck but ya know how that goes.

Good Luck to those still hunting.

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Re: Team 4

Well Team tommorow is the start of the Vermont ML season. A 9 day season and I can pretty much hunt every day if I feel froggy enough.

I work nights, 8pm to 4am Mon-Fri, so I can be home by 5am and either hunt a few hours in the morning, or sleep till noon and hunt all afternoon evening.

I am at work now watching the clock.

Come on 4am!

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Re: Team 4

Well here is my 1st ever ML deer.

With a 15" Encore 209x50 ML to boot!

Two 50g pellets of Pyrodex and the 250g T/C ShockWave found its mark.

80 yard shot (in the woods) and she ran about 50 yards and flopped over dead. Center punched both lungs and had massive blood everywhere. I saw her drop so tracking was nill but the drag was tough.

Yea right all down hill for about 400 yards.

Go Team 4!


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Re: Team 4


Congratulations Shawn!! laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif That is one hefty doe!

You have to tell me about that Encore with the short barrel. Kind of looks like a sawed off shotgun grin.gif Myself and some of the guys here at work are trying to figure out that gun of yours confused.gif

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Its the factory 15" Encore 209x50 ML handgun. Only thing custom on it is the trigger springs and the wood (grip and forend).

Everything else is factory.

For some reason my ram rod is sticking out some. I did not notice it before for the pic.

Oh well. smirk.gif

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Guest 1TarheelHunter

Re: Team 4

I got this small 7 point during my trip to Illinois.(I'm the one on the far left) I'm trying to get us one a little bigger since I still have a buck tag left here in NC.



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