6 - Snortweezers

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Re: Team 6

weather has been really weird here lately, had highs in the upper 70's to low 80's, unusual for November. Hope it cools off before the 18th. I hate trying to hunt while shooing wasps and mosquitos. getting really pumped and excited. been seeing lots of activity on the game cams... just hope the deer stick around. Husband has seen quite a few yotes last couple times he went hunting. Anyway, hope to rack up us a few points next weekend.

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Re: Team 6

Well, I've been hunting all week and hadn't seen any good bucks until tonight. I think the bucks are just now getting going. Tomorrow is the Missouri gun opener and next weekend is the Illinois gun opener........I'll be out there for both weekends and hope to give us some more points. Good luck everyone!!

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Re: Team 6

Missouri's gun opening weekend resulted in no down deer, but I had a blast. It's my girlfriends third year hunting and has yet to kill one. We saw 5 Saturday morning including a buck, 5 again this morning, and 4 this evening. She missed a doe this evening, but it was a tough shot up hill through a little brush and then had a nice 8 pt at ten yds, but couldn't get a shot. I'm now looking forward to the Illinois shotgun opener on friday. Good luck all!!

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Re: Team 6

I'm off for a whole 9 days and the weather couldn't be more perfect so far. Lows in the low 30s to high 20s for first part of week. I cant wait. Rifle season opens tomorrow, but i'll still be playing the string music, however, i'll prolly have my .270 in the tree just in case. Good luck everyone

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Re: Team 6

i bowhunted Saturday morning and had 3 does move through inside bow range, but decided not to shoot(mainly cause my dad got drug on a family vacation and i didnt want to drag her out and clean her myself). Saturday evening i saw 4 does and 1 buck. Only problem was i was about to get down when the buck entered the field. He didnt come out of the woods, he came down the middle of the pasture. i was packing my stuff up, and had my back to the field when i heard him grunt. he chased all 4 of the does into the woods. Looked to be a young buck, although i couldnt really tell cause of the fading light. That was good to see, although we have at least 2 weeks before the rut usually starts hitting. Good luck to everyone

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Re: Team 6

Went yesterday morning and saw a single doe, yesterday afternoon saw a tiny doe chased by a 3 point. Didn't see anything this morning. I let wtnhunt (my husband) go this afternoon. Hope he has more luck than I did. Yesterday morning i heard at least 30 shots in probably a 1/2 mile radius around me. Only heard 2 shots this morning and they were far off. Plan on heading back out in the AM. Took this whole week off and plan on spending most of it in a tree.

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