10 - Realtree Antler Assassins

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Re: Team 10

Just a note - I had 2 strange things while pulling names this year. The first was that JamesVee was pulled out at the exact same place as he was last year. The second was that this is the first time that I know of that a husband and wife ended up on the same team - so good for you OR sorry about that - whichever fits grin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gif

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Re: Team 10


Just a note - I had 2 strange things while pulling names this year. The first was that JamesVee was pulled out at the exact same place as he was last year. The second was that this is the first time that I know of that a husband and wife ended up on the same team - so good for you OR sorry about that - whichever fits grin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gif

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LOL I was wondering how that worked out .. no complaints from me ... will actually be her first year hunting deer so hopefully we can make it a double header ... no thoughts for a team name yet ... lets get everyone to check in first then get some suggestions ... BTW I was on the winning team last year ... I would like to double that ...

grin.gif but above all I want each and everyone of us to HAVE FUN most of all this is a fun thing and it in way needs to get ultra competitve ...

Anyone who needs help posting pictures you can email them to me at [email protected] and I will make sure they get up ... also make sure whatever you do get a picture of your tag in your pictures ... IT ABSOLUTELY will NOT be allowed into entry if its not there ...

So lets all have fun ..



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Re: Team 10

Hey everybody! Wow look at all the awsome people on my team I can't believe it haha. I'm proud to be the youth member of this team. I have been bow hunting the past 2 weekends and it hasn't been great at all. If you want to check out how my season has been go to the Journal Section and check mine out! Oh and hey Canuck2! We are on the same team again buddy that is awsome! Congrats on the 8 point too we arelady got 13 points in the bag! cool.gif

Team Names:

This was my Team's Name last year Canuck2 should remember it. I think it served us pretty well. I came up with it.

Antler Assasins

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Re: Team 10

Greetings one and all; it's a pleasure to meet you and I'm looking forward hearing about all your hunting territories. I'd say we have an awesome team.

Tom2008, cool that we got paired up again. Your start to the season may not be great, but I know you'll catch up to deer sooner or later. Also, it just happens that I'm on a team on another board and our name is 'Antler Assassins', with no input from me at all! Weird.

As Tom mentioned -for those of you who haven't seen it - I shot a buck Sept 7 and entered it in the Entry Thread long before teams were picked, so we have a few points to get us going. Here it is:


I know some of you are still anxiously waiting for your seasons to begin. Good luck!

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Re: Team 10

Antler Assasins

Buck Busters

Realtree Buck Slayers

Deer Assasins

Judo Chop Deer Assasins

Team Realtree

Road Trippin Madmen

Buck Slayers

These are some names I came up with ... I know they are kinda lame but I dont know maybe we can get a name from some of the ideas there ... and I know I didnt come up with the first one LOL


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Re: Team 10


Antler Assasins

Buck Busters

Realtree Buck Slayers

Deer Assasins

Judo Chop Deer Assasins

Team Realtree

Road Trippin Madmen

Buck Slayers

These are some names I came up with ... I know they are kinda lame but I dont know maybe we can get a name from some of the ideas there ... and I know I didnt come up with the first one LOL


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Well it looks like Team 27 migth go with Antler Assassins so if we want that one we need to send Gary a PM saying that we'll take that name. Steve I was thinking about Buck Busters to and thought nah that just sounds to plan lol. grin.gif

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