10 - Realtree Antler Assassins

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OK Crew, what's happening? Anybody got any hunting action going on currently?

Our season is over. The day after the final day of hunting - that's right, the very next day - this guy showed up in my back pasture. He has been there every day since; same thing he did last year, and he stayed around all winter. Sure would like to know where he is in the fall.


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a couple things 1) mostly my typing will be shabby because i'm only using one wing. finally got long-awaited shoulder surgery yesterday and won

t be back to normal for several months, but it will be sweet when i get there. 2) i found the 2nd side off the above buck monday afternoon. the first side will have to wait for spring, i guess. the one i got scores 64, so with his great spread, i figure he'll gross about 150. sorry, no pictures yet

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well it's been a rough season thus far...I've been hunting for 16 years with a gun and 8 with a bow. I did get a bow kill this year, but prior to this I haven't missed with a gun well this year I have missed 5 times.....I don't have a clue what is going on....It's crazy, the confidence is shook big time...I still am giving it a shot though. I'm going out Sautrday all day and then if nothing happens then I still have two weekends of bow left.....wish me luck b/c I could use a little now.....

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Canuck hope you have a quick recovery fromt he surgery and congratulations on finding that shed! I can't wait to see the picture! grin.gif

Hoosier I'm sending you almost all of my luck haha. I will be needing some too, because last week is my last week. I still haven't filled a tag in MN yet. So we'll see. Hopefully both of us can pull off an upgrade! cool.gif

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Ok this is how it works.

A deer equals 5 points. Doesn't matter what gender the deer is no matter what you get 5 points.

If it is a doe you only get 5 points.

If you get a buck you take the 5 points that you get for it being a deer and then you add the total amount of tine points. All of the tine points must be 1 inch or bigger.

Now if you shoot a doe and you submit it you have given 5 points to your team. Now lets say later in the season you shoot a buck that is an 8 pointer. Basically all you are doing is adding 8 points to the 5 points you already have. If you happen to upgrade from that 8 point and you come out with a 9 point then your total gets 1 point added.

The main rule here is that only 1 deer can be submitted. If you submit one and then upgrade you are just replacing the first one you submitted.

Hopefully I covered everything. Merry Christmas Team! smile.gif

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