14 - The Double 7s

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Re: Team 14

where are my manners ? geeze.... My name is Mark im 20 im from ohio. i hunt with a bow never got anything with it yet... but im trying i go out during shotgun season and muzzleloader season... so i'll be hitting it hard like every year... i got drawn for a public hunt this year my first one! woohooo and i've been keeping an eye on a non typical 8 pointer so i hope that works out but good luck to everyone...I should be hitting the woods saturday evening i work 3rd so its hard for me to get out before daybreak on saturdays

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Re: Team 14

OK,OK!!! Im here.Ive been hiding in the wings watching all the Hoopla about the contest.Most of you have seen me around & know that I am a serious hunter & shed hunter.I hunt with a bow but mostly my muzzleloader.I am drawn for muledeer this year & will also be hunting whitetail.I will be off all next week hunting bear,whitetail & helping a couple buddies moose hunt.Mainly relaxing & hoping not to freeze my butt off.

As for a name? Team ETHICS,or whatever you come up with.Like I said before I take my hunting serious but as for this contest its strictly for fun.I am in it only for the pics & stories & companionship from all the other hunters & teams.Good luck everyone I'll drop by in a week or 2.

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Re: Team 14

hey there you are.. grin.gif knew you would be haning out with us. welcome and let the fun begin... grin.gif

i also am very serious about my bow shooting and bowhunting. i feel competition shooting has helped me become a better shooter for that moment when i need it most.

Welcome again.. grin.gif

Shoot Strong


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Re: Team 14

sorry guys it took so long for me to respond. been pretty busy. just to let you know who i am. i'm 44 yrs. old and have hunted since i was 12 in wis. i primarily bow hunt , but also gun hunt with a ml and shotgun. really looking forward to this season . i quess double 7's would be fine with me. good luck team. grin.gif

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Re: Team 14

glad you got my Pms rutnroy.. grin.gif welcome and its ok if your busy. we all are. well except me, i had my hours cut back and i now have the next 5 fridays off during deer season.. grin.gif yea what could be better. grin.gif

i just wanted to get pms out to let guys know whats happeneing. feel free to drop in anytime and tell us a little about your hunts. you dont need to post everyday. just when you can.. good luck this season..

Shot Strong


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Re: Team 14

i'd like wpcs but if the majority votes double 7s then that is great to either works for me and today is my first day of deer season i putt he stalk on 3 does and 1 buck with my friend they eluded us but oh well

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Re: Team 14

i think The Double 7s is it.. cool.gif

my season will start sunday morning. i have 1 more stand to hang for doe hunting only. its in a easy place to get to and will require very little time to hang it. so for the first 14 days i will be hunting with a recurve to try and fill my county doe tag.

good luck to everyone and let the fun begin..

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Re: Team 14

i'm hoping to get back out sunday and coming back monday morning. right now i would really like to get a doe to get some more meat. but if the right buck walks by i'll take him. so far i passed up 3 small bucks on opening weekend. there is a hugh 10 point in the area , boy would i like a crack at him. he looks like he would score in the 150's which is better than my best buck yet at 136 5/8. i 'll be hunting our private land primarily but have other spots to try. lets here what we'll be using on our hunts.

1. a new hoyt trykon xl

2. hha 5519 camo sight

3. maxima 350 white dipped ,with blazer vanes arrows

4. montec 100 gr. broadheads

5.scentblocker roadtrip outfit

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Re: Team 14

nice set up there. i was hanging 1 last stand today. its for trying to get a doe with my recurve.

im using a

Hoyt Gamemaster recurve

Traditional Goldtip 5575s and green barred fletch tipped with Muzzy 125 Phantoms.

Realtree Hardwoods micro suede scent lock suit.

i was practicing hard with it just an hour ago and im as ready as i can be. wink.gif

Shoot Strong


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Re: Team 14

The season is less than 10 hours away and I am gettin antsy. I have a good spot set up for opening day and evening so I hope I can cash in early. Never have gotten an opening day deer. I like my setup and my equipment so I am confident of my shooting and location. All that's left is to get to my stand and start waiting. LOL.

This year I bought a Mathew's Outback, 55/75 Goldtip Pro Hunter arrows with flourescent tape wrap, 4" vanes and tipped with 100 gr. Wasp JakHammers with a 1-3/4" cutting diameter. I'm pulling 60 lbs and accurate out to 50 yds. I am limiting my shooting to 40 yds unless I feel relaxed at 50 yds and I know I can make the shot. It all goes situation by situation. Good luck to everyone and especially to The Double 7's. I hope we can report a good season with everyone being safe and secure in their stands and in each hunt. God Bless.

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Re: Team 14

my morning hunt went pretty uneventfull. i had a doe go by while it was still dark and another go by about 8am, but she was about 60 yards away.

its going to be way to hot for me to hunt this afternoon, so i watched football all day. wink.gif looks like monday and tuesday are going to be just as hot. smirk.gif i guess its back to reality for the weather.

hope everyone else is having better luck..

Shoot strong


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Re: Team 14

My morning hunt was one of the best opening days I can remember. I didn't get a deer but I saw plenty on my way to the stand and 3 while in stand. I also saw 5 turkeys about 100 yds away. One doe went running through the woods directly across from my stand and a doe and a fawn came sneaking by at 35 yds but through a bunch of thick sapplings and oak branches. They eventually ended up behind me at around 45 yds and I would have taken a shot except I had one little branch in my way and the doe never presented a standing broadside shot. They eventuall meandered off and I got down about an hour after I first saw them. I spooked them on the way to my bike. My buddy on the other hand was talking to me on the phone at 0640 and he said "Oh **** I got a doe coming!!!" I let him go and he called me back a few minutes later and said he got to test the new Sonic Broadhead on her. He likes the BH and said it flew true. He cracks me up though because he has been out all year with a back injury and only shot once this summer yet he shoots a perfect shot on a doe opening morning. 2nd year in a row from the same stand. I sweat all summer shooting in my yard and don't get jack. Irony at it's finest. Couldn't ask for a better friend though. I couldn't hunt the evening as I was taking care of Emi. I guess if you're gonna have a reason to miss hunting then she's as good as any or better. Good luck to all and safe hunting.

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Re: Team 14

Way to go Craig!!

My Weekend opener, Freaking Cold!! lol

I had a Doe sneak in through some thick stuff at about 20 yards, but no shot. Seen 3 other Does, but they were out in a neighbors field. Not much activity at all. The Soy Beans will be coming off within the next week or so, so maybe they'll hit the field to feed, better.


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