14 - The Double 7s

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Re: Team 14

Top one for me please. We can use either one can't we or do we all need to use the same one? Either way is great for me though. I know we don't have to use them but I think it's like a team jersey. I'll go with the bottom one if everyone agrees. Someone will have to tell me how to put it on my sig.

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Re: Team 14

Well everyone, I went out Saturday and had some luck. I sat in the morning and passed up some little does in hopes of a mature one coming in and that didn't happen. So the afternoon I went back out and I sat in the stand for about an hour and had deer all over me. I didn't see anything big so I let my camera do the shooting on two small bucks and a really nice piebald yearly doe. Just before dark I had a nice eight point come slowly in. I could tell he was hurt and I decide to take him out. I was hoping for something bigger this year but since he was hurt I thought I did the right thing. That's the last buck tag I have so it's on to doe hunting. Turns out the buck had a broken back leg, probably from fighting my guess. Well here are some pictures. [image]Picture_0201.jpg[/image]

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Guest wildotter

Re: Team 14 Sigs

Good job everyone!!! Unfortunately, I didn't do my part this weekend. I saw 13 total on Sat. One really nice 8pt. but he didn't give me a shot I was comfortable with (a bit too far), so I passed on him. Saturday evening I had 3 small bucks come in and sniff the ground where I climbed my treegrin.gif but they didn't spook, so I guess my scent elimination practices worked this time! shocked.gif Two were forked horns and the other was a spike. I had fun watching them though! I'll be off work and hunting from this Wednesday evening through Oct. 18th, so maybe I'll connect something in there to give us some more points! Unfortunately, I won't be able to give you guys an update until I return.

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Re: Team 14 Sigs


Thanks Tony. Hopefully I can get one the size of the hog you shot.

[/ QUOTE ]

i hate to say it , but this doe is the smallest one i have shot in the last 6 years. grin.gif i usually get 42+ lbs of boned out meat for the locker to grind for burger. this one was 37.6 lbs and i kept the backstraps, tenederloins and a 3 lb roast.

guess she would have been close to 40lbs..

good luck to you again...

saskysheds, you shot a mulie? cant wait to see the pics. grin.gif i want a mulie and an antelope so bad.. grin.gif

Shoot Strong


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Guest rutnroy

Re: Team 14 Sigs

WOW, what a bunch of killing machines. way to guys!! i went out mon. morning and only had the same 7 pt. come through. was going to go out this morning (fri.) but the wind was to wicked. next opportunity will probably be sun. morning. two more weeks is when all my vac. will start, so hopefully i'll connect on something then. keep up the good work guys and hunt safe!

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Re: Team 14 Sigs

Well guys.....looks like we are doing pretty good. Sorry I can't say that I have a great story. Shot a pretty nice 8 point yesterday afternoon in the rain, and can't find him. Don't think it was a bad shot, but the arrow didn't pass through and it was a pretty step quartering away angle. The arrow must have hit the opposing shoulder and stopped. No blood and where he ran is thick.....I mean real thick.

Had to come back to the firehouse today, but going to try and get back tomorrow to see if I can find him.

Looked yesterday until dark and went home sick at my stomach. I know I made a good shot, but with the rain and everything, just made tracking almost impossible.

Anyways, I will give you guys and update as soon as possible.


BTW good job guys!

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Re: Team 14 Sigs

sorry to hear that Josh. keep at it you might find him yet. it happens sometimes.

its so windy here i havent even had a chance to get out. plus i worked 5 hours this morning. had a machine down and needed to get it fixed at the plant. plus i had to light all the stinkin furnaces. its COLD here.

in the morning it will be 29 degrees and calmer winds. i just got my Whitewater Fleece coat on UPS today, good timing. i bought it from The Sportsmans Guide. only paid 34 bucks for it!

i figure i will do some light grunting in the morning. see what kind of bucks this new place has in store for me. wink.gif

Shoot Strong


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Re: Team 14 Sigs

Well I went out saturday to put a hurten on some does. I need to take some out to get the buck to doe ratio a little better. Here's what i got. The bigger one I shot at 20 yards at 8:02 and the other one at 9:30. I'll have to buy another freezer soon. [image]http://2_does_in_1_day.JPG[/image]

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