14 - The Double 7s

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Re: Team 14 Sigs

Well, at about 5:30 Saturday night, I made contact on a really good size doe. She unfortunately took a step right as I shot and I got her in the guts. I watched her lay down about 300 yard away and I waited a few mins before I got down. I went to my truck with was only 80 yds away and watched her through a pair of binocs. I stalked up on her and finished her off but sorry to say I didn't chance even cutting up the hind quarters as they had feces on them when I dressed the deer. As I got down and walked out into the field, I saw about 6 more deer coming my way. I should have stayed in the stand but I just wanted to get done and home because my mom was watching my little girl while I was out. I'll post pics as soon as I figure out how. I think I took all the pics I was supposed to but in Illinois we don't have to put dates on our tags, so I just wrote it on the tag instead. She went about 160 on the hoof.

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Re: Team 14 Sigs


There we go! THe Pic of JPGS wouldn't load for me before. Those are some dandy Does you got! I always thought PA had a low deer population! lol Congrats!

[/ QUOTE ]

Yeah a lot of people think that in PA but you can't see deer driving around in your vehicles. Get in to the woods and hunt. But it helps that we own 225 acres and and manage it well.

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Re: Team 14 Sigs

i hunted PA for a few years and always saw tons of deer. we hunted near Tionesta and Oil City. had a lot of fun there also.

not much going on with me guys. im headed to Colorado for the Realtree gathering and elk hunt. i wont be hunting, but i will be scouting for bowhunting elk next year. im going to do some trout fishing and visiting with my old friends and some new ones. i will be gone untril oct 24th.

everyone take care and see ya later.

Shoot Strong


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Re: Team 14 Sigs

Well guys looks like I will finally get to help out on the board. Got me a decent size doe yesterday afternoon.

Still no luck on finding the buck I shot, but that is just how it goes. I hope he made it!

Anyways, I will post pics this weekend. It will be then before I can get them downloaded from the camera.

Just thought I would let ya'll know!


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Re: Team 14 Sigs

congrtas on the doe Josh..

well im not going to make the trip to Colorado. i got started yesterday and i got about an hour west of Omaha and i felt really sick.

i stopped at a rest stop and puked. so i stayed there and slept hoping i would feel better. i woke up at 4 am and puked again. so i had to head back home. got home and puked again.

i cant believe it, i never get sick hardly ever. i feel like crap and i still have to unload the truck.

im really bummed about this. frown.gif


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Guest wildotter

Re: Team 14 Sigs

Still nothing here for me. I hunted 8 days straight, but no good shot opportunities that I felt like taking. Weather was pretty rough for a couple of those days too, so the deer movement was slowed considerably. Back at it again this Friday and Saturday though. Update next week. Congrats on everyone's success thus far!

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Update - Team 14 - Double 7\'s

I hear you Otter, Nothing much happening around me either.

Scrapes are picking up. I found 5 around the field I hunt, one with a decent sized track in it. Found some in a couple other spots too. Went to another spot and found some Amazingly huge rubs, you wouldn't even be able to get both of your hands around some of the trees this guy has rubbed. And better yet these rubs are on trees that have been rubbed before, same size and everything. Leads me to believe it could be the same buck. So he has to be a few years old at least. Not much sign in the woods though, but you never know when he might sneak in.

This coming Sunday is a Controlled Gun Deer Hunt that I got picked for, seen a couple big boys there before, hopefully they're still around.

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Guest rutnroy

Re: Update - Team 14 - Double 7\'s

well i gave it another shot on sat. night and sunday morning. didn't even see a deer, how disappointing! i did find a few small scrapes but no large rubs yet. things should start improving soon i hope. one more week of work then i'll pretty much have the next 3 weeks off. hopefully something happens so i can contribute to our score. till next time ,good luck!!

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Re: Update - Team 14 - Double 7\'s

well i got to go hunting sunday morning finally after getting over being sick. i saw 7 does and a small 6 point kind of chasing them. he was interested , but they were not. i had 3 does go right by at 20 yards at the honey hole stand.

then monday afternoon i went to the double funnel stand where i shot my doe. i had 1 doe and 2 small bucks go right by at less than 22 yards. could have shot all of them. both of the small bucks were 1 1/2 year olds and a 4 point and a 5 point. they might get better if they make it through 2 or 3 more seasons. wink.gif

going to do some scouting of a small public place i know of.

good luck guys..

Shoot Strong


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Re: Update - Team 14 - Double 7\'s

I filled my doe tag last night.Think I should enter it? lol I made a easy shot.10 min later 2 bucks came by.1 was a 5x5 the other was a 3x3.The 3x3 jumped the fence 10 ft from me.It smelt my sent where I had walked through the grass & bolted back over the fence into the field.I will take my niece & nephew out tonight & see if they can scorre on that 5x5 or the Unicorn Buck in my other spot.Good luck!

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Re: Update - Team 14 - Double 7\'s

actually i was also spooking some does at the first. i found out i had some kind of bad smell on my boots. i washed them off in a little creek and sprayed them down and have not had any problems since then. i now keep them in a separate container sealed with a little dirt scent on them.

last night i had a 110 class 8 point come in to a mock scrape i just made not 35 mins before he showed up. he works the tar out of it and then moved to my second one and worked it also.

it was fun to see that i can still pick great locations and still make good visual attractants to get a bucks attention. i find that mock scrapes are not only good for using scent to get a bucks attention, but when they come into an arrea and see a 2 foot across bare spot , i feel it to much for them to resist. and they just have to find out whats up.

could have nailed him any time i wanted. he was less that 24 yards away the whole time and he spent close to 20 mins around me. i also saw 3 does and a button buck and 19 turkeys and a ground hog.. had a pretty full day watching the wildlife. grin.gif

i can feel it, im going to see a good buck here sooner or later. its raining here, so im giving them a break. i will be out in the morning.

good luck everyone.

Shoot Strong


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Guest Mark_85

Re: Update - Team 14 - Double 7\'s

the bucks around here are ready but the does say no go had two bucks out in our field fighting and one started chasing the doe but the doe turned around and thumped him on the head so there coming along!

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Re: Update - Team 14 - Double 7\'s

im slowly gearing things up for the rut here in Iowa. i have my stands in place and since i have all fridays off in november, i will be hunting fri, sat and sun all day long during the rut. grin.gif

have been seeing some smaller bucks moving pretty good, but nothing big yet.

Shoot Strong


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