16 - Backstrap Butchers

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Re: Team 16

Well I decided to just go ahead and harvest one of those eights tonight. He's not the biggest one but that's 8 more points for our team.

I was 25 feet up and he was about 5 yds out. I think he might have came to my doe bleating about 15 mins before he showed up. I have another doe tag for the city hunt to fill and I'm thinking about buying a statewide tag, I running out of freezer space though.

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Re: Team 16

Well everyone, I am starting to see some deer now after a week of hard hunting. Yesterday I saw 15 - no shooters. Today I saw 9 before 10am - no shooters. In the stand at 2:20 this after noon an 8 pointer provided a spur of the moment shot. If I would have had time to think about it, I probably would not have shot him. He doesn't have a ton of mass, but he does have about an 18 - 19 inch spread. Pics will follow, but they are sorry. He was already at the butcher getting skinned when I remembered that I didn't have a pic - so the deer is upside down. frown.gifcrazy.gif I will post them as soon as I get a chance. At least we have 13 more points! cool.gif

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Re: Team 16


Well everyone, I am starting to see some deer now after a week of hard hunting. Yesterday I saw 15 - no shooters. Today I saw 9 before 10am - no shooters. In the stand at 2:20 this after noon an 8 pointer provided a spur of the moment shot. If I would have had time to think about it, I probably would not have shot him. He doesn't have a ton of mass, but he does have about an 18 - 19 inch spread. Pics will follow, but they are sorry. He was already at the butcher getting skinned when I remembered that I didn't have a pic - so the deer is upside down. frown.gifcrazy.gif I will post them as soon as I get a chance. At least we have 13 more points! cool.gif

[/ QUOTE ]

Well, congratulations to you. You don't sound thrilled but you should be. At least, you're getting out there, seeing some action, and were able to take something. Congrats! Can't wait to see the pix.

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Re: Team 16

well folks, i just got back form the U.P....was a long week, but this morning beofre we left i took a 7 pointer...my first Deer Ever, and a buck at that smile.gif.....it is a main frame 7 pointer..one of the brows is split, but its not quite long enough to make 8 points...but i am happy...i'll have a story up in the deer hunting room in a bit,,,here are a few pics

Not sure why i look cross eyed in this one smile.gif, i think its from the lack of sleep



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Re: Team 16

Well team i connected with a 8 pt today!


I cant enter it in b/c i dont got the picture of the tagg, That picture is on the dispoal camera which ill get in like 1 week... Do you think they'll accept this? You can see the metal clip on thing were i went and got it checked in.

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Re: Team 16

Good job Josh!!! Congrats!

Well I was invited back to hunt with my uncle and his buddies for shotgun season again this year. My uncle said there's a couple big bruisers in there this year, nobody has been hunting it. I also got permission to hunt it come next bow season, I'm going to see if he'll let me in there this year. Hopefully I'll be upgradeing the score, that's a good timber.

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Re: Team 16

Nice deer everyone one. We're doing pretty darn good in my book. I saw 2 of the biggest deer of my life during this years M/L season but I couldn't close the deal. One was a HUGE 7 pointer - tall and wide and the other was a 10 pointer that would be a minimum of 21" wide - he was way past the ears. The 7 pointer was a little out of comfort range with the smokepole and the 10 pointer well that is another story. He was only about 40 yards from where I have my stand but it is THICK where I hunt. He was chasing does and there is no way to stop him for a shot.

Could one of you tell me where to post the pics of the buck that I harvested so we can get some more points.

Here is his pics and again sorry for the pic, he was already on the skinning table when I remembered that I didn't have any pics of him.




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Re: Team 16



Well everyone, I am starting to see some deer now after a week of hard hunting. Yesterday I saw 15 - no shooters. Today I saw 9 before 10am - no shooters. In the stand at 2:20 this after noon an 8 pointer provided a spur of the moment shot. If I would have had time to think about it, I probably would not have shot him. He doesn't have a ton of mass, but he does have about an 18 - 19 inch spread. Pics will follow, but they are sorry. He was already at the butcher getting skinned when I remembered that I didn't have a pic - so the deer is upside down. frown.gifcrazy.gif I will post them as soon as I get a chance. At least we have 13 more points! cool.gif

[/ QUOTE ]

Well, congratulations to you. You don't sound thrilled but you should be. At least, you're getting out there, seeing some action, and were able to take something. Congrats! Can't wait to see the pix.

[/ QUOTE ]

No - believe me - I am extremely thrilled, but I am just hard on myself early in the year and patience is not my strong suite. At least it paid off this year, and I bagged one.

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Re: Team 16


Nice deer everyone one. We're doing pretty darn good in my book. I saw 2 of the biggest deer of my life during this years M/L season but I couldn't close the deal. One was a HUGE 7 pointer - tall and wide and the other was a 10 pointer that would be a minimum of 21" wide - he was way past the ears. The 7 pointer was a little out of comfort range with the smokepole and the 10 pointer well that is another story. He was only about 40 yards from where I have my stand but it is THICK where I hunt. He was chasing does and there is no way to stop him for a shot.

Could one of you tell me where to post the pics of the buck that I harvested so we can get some more points.

Here is his pics and again sorry for the pic, he was already on the skinning table when I remembered that I didn't have any pics of him.




[/ QUOTE ]

Nice buck there buddy! Congrats!!! cool.gif

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Re: Team 16

When everyone gets there deer entered in we should be up to 100 pts if im right.

16 - Backstrap Butchers


iabow = 13 points


Michiganbowhunter_SQ2 = 12 points

tomsd5 = 10 points

turkeygirl = 12 points

buckbusterII = 13 points

10acboy = 13 points

oo_buck = 14 points

(Y) JoshM = 13 points


Thats what it should look like when everthings gets enterd in.

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