18 - Backstrap Fever

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Re: Team 18

ok a little update from me from me....Friday afternoon got in the stand and had good wind and then it shifted on me and i got busted twice...saturday mourning i didnt wake up to go so i hunted the after noon and some punk kids started riding there four wheelers done in the bottums where i was hunting i climbed out of the stand and walked out of the timber to where they were riding around and they all took off...i told the land owner and he stopped them later and had a talk with them..Sunday mourning i climbed in the stand and passed one a 4 pointer who presented me a 40 yard shot...but if i had been in my stand that is in the creek i would of had a ten yard shot at him...glad i wasnt in it because it might of been tempting...rest of the weekend just got warmer and the deer werent moving much....howd everyone else do

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Re: Team 18

I just finished fishing my last bass tournament of the season, so now I'm ready to hunt! Heading out to West Texas next weekend for a go 'round. Looks like cooler temps, so I'm hoping the deer will be moving. Good luck to everyone!

BTW - I pm'd our missing person a while back. Haven't heard anything from him yet. Still hoping nothing bad has happened to him. Maybe he'll show up if he gets something.

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Re: Team 18

Saturday was a bust waaayyyyy too hot and crunchy. Havent had rain since June. Deer weren't moving at all. Saturday we saw about 3 does (normally we see 30+). Plus two trucks drove in and screwed it up. The landowner caught them and revoked there permission cards and kicked them out. Jerks screw it up for everybody. Sun. was really wet and rainy which we really needed. Jumped two bucks one real nice one and couldn't get a shot. Passed on a HUGE mulie doe I'll wait until later in the season as I can only get one deer. I like to go for a decent buck earlier as I can always get a doe later. I'm going up into the Okanogan country this weekend to look for a big mulie then it'll doe hunting if I strike out up there.

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Re: Team 18

still no deer yet for me....hopefully soon though...I dont know if you guys have ever heard of the show Brackett Outdoors, but im going to be filimg the Host Chris Brackett not next week but the week after that..Im a senior in high school and we have to job shadow some one and i got ahold of him and he said lets do it...so that should be awesome...im hoping on tacking a deer this weekend...im getting my buddies climber and im just going to do somethign stupid and hopefully it will pay off...Good Luck guys

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Re: Team 18

I'll be leaving this afternoon for the weekend to see if I can't tag out on a mulie. It'll be a 4X4 or better as I want a decent deer from this area. Those sage brush eating buggers taste like shite so I want it to be a nice one if I do tag out. Hopefully I don't break down and shoot a small one. It's been known to happen. Good luck to you all. I'll see you in a few days.

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Re: Team 18 Backstrap Fever

good luck Wacoyote and Supermn this weekend hope you slam a big one...My plans for this weekend...I got my buddies climber and i plan on setting up in the back timber where i know all the deer are...its just a matter of me getting in there...i will have to take the long route but its worth it...I want to kill one of those giants i got on my camera so bad so i hope my plan works...You will hear from me in a couple Days....

Good Luck To Everyone...Hope the bucks start going into rut so we can start slammin them....Talk To You All Later

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