pics from my south african hunt


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So uh, can you eat the monkey? I mean, what sort of weapon do you need to go monkey hunting? A bag and a whistle? lol snipe. J/K. Very beautiful trophies you have there, although Hardwoods does look a little out of place on the african plain.

WOW! Its only $50 to go monkey huntin'! Seriously though, a lot of those are cheaper than I would think, or is that just for the tag, doesn't include the actual hunt?

P.S. I'm with JB on the monkey being scary. I'd be afraid to touch that thing, but then again, I'm afraid to touch a deer until I've given it a good poke or two to verify its as dead as it looks. crazy.gif

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Re: pics from my south african hunt

Those are all some nice pictures. Looks like you had a great time. Did you hunt down towards the Free State? It looks like that might be the kind of area you were hunting, and the trophies you were taking as well. You must be doing some recruiting for the outfitter you worked with I would assume from the sounds of your replies. Either way, those are some nice trophies.

To whoever asked what the critter with the black-tipped tail is, it is called a Spring Hare. You would shoot those at night with a spotlight.

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Re: pics from my south african hunt


Take as you will I didnt come in here to start a problem

[/ QUOTE ]

Hey!!! I love to see the pics, and there awesome! But it did look like you were advertising there a bit! But I see your one post is gone!

Please, show more pics!!! BTW, welcome to the forums!!!


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Re: pics from my south african hunt

Baboons Canines are longer than that of a female lioness! Mean suckers they are.

Did the Blesbok take a bullet to the horn? It appears damaged. Hope the taxidermist can fix that.

Very very very nice Gemsbok smile.gif

How is the political situation in RSA right now? With many farmers loosing there land in Zimbabwe it appears the same will happen in Namibia and RSA.

I was just wondering if this was a topic of campfire talk while you were there.

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Guest Colorado Bob

Re: pics from my south african hunt

South Africa is the best bang for your buck. I hunted on the Limpopo River a couple years ago. It's on my list to do again. IMO---it's better than Alaska------Only draw back is that LONG LONG plane ride.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: pics from my south african hunt

Some day I'm going on an African safari. I'll take a whole bunch of pictures too and be sure to caption them real thoroughly too.

Let's see......There will be the one with the snake: "here is my trophy snake getting a better hold on my jugular while he throws his coils around my body.

And here is my lion picture. He is in the process of removing my right leg, just below the hip.

And here is my water buffalo picture. I'm that little pile of goo squirting out from under his right front hoof.

And of course the elephant. That's me up in the top of the tree where he threw me with his trunk

Here's my picture right after being bitten by one of their mosquitos. Yes, right in the center of that swollen head you can just see a little bit of my nose sticking out.

Oh yes and here is my picture over in the bushes puking my guts out after drinking some of the water.

You know what? I think maybe I'll skip that trip after all. Maybe I could go somewhere safe like Alaska and hunt grizzly bears with a knife.


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