25 - Backstrap Brothers

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Re: Team 25

Our season is 12 days away. I might be going for the bear we have been seeing on our land upstate for the first few weekends, but in the afternoon, I might be doing a little suburban deer hunting. Should have a doe down by the second week of the season. I really am stoked. I so can't wait. These next 12 days can't go any slower!!!

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Guest tunkhannockbowhunter

Re: 25 - Backstrap Brothers

i had a good first day. when its early in the season i try to get kids out to do a little hunting mainly because im not expecting to kill anything this early and because it is warm enough that they wont freeze. i had my girlfriend's little brother chris out with me(he's only 8 and cant wait til he can hunt). i had five does come in and he thought that was awesome. we were in a ground blind watchin a ridge trail so he was moving around and everything all excited. well i look over and theres a 8 pointer with a 18 inch spread staring right at us from twenty yards away. then it took off. i wish i could have shot that buck with chris there to be a part of it. oh well it was an awesome first night

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Re: 25 - Backstrap Brothers

We're at 10 days here. I stayed home from school yesterday because my throat was bothering me. Turned out I have strep throat. Doc put me on pennacillin (sp?).. I just hope I get rid of this strep before the weekend because it's my last weekend to fall turkey hunt!!!

The bucks we've been watching all summer are still around... Just about every buck has been coming to the yard every night except for ol High Rack. We've had 2 new 8pts come in. One of them looks to be about 4.5 years old. The other 8pt that just showed up has a little basket rack and a crooked browtine.

We also have a herd of about 10 does & fawns. It looks to be 4 mature does and 6 fawns. 3 of the fawns are button bucks. You can see the pedicles coming in on their heads.

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Re: Team 25

Im heading out after work! Im going to bail about 3:30, make the 1-hour trek home, get changed, hosed in scent (fresh earth), and make my way out to the ranch! I cant wait!

This will be my first time out this year. I had planned on passing up does but now im not sure that will be an option. Im thumping the first thing that comes within range!

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Guest tunkhannockbowhunter

Re: 25 - Backstrap Brothers

so far 7 different bucks. 4 were shooters and the other 3 were yearlings. no shots offered yet. im hunting hard! good luck. tag em and bag boys!

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