$100 digital scout camera at Dick's

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Hey guys and gals,

Seen in Dick's sales ad on Sunday a digital scouting camera for $99.99. Marked down $50.00 dollars so its not a real expensive one to begin with. Not sure on the make of it as I can't remember the company as its not a well known one. Says it can store 54 images.

Anybody going to get one or may have one already? Seems like a great deal for digital. Some of you may already be getting one for the Christmas, probably wrapped and under your Christmas tree and you don't even know it.

Anyways, if you got one or comments about it please post. I was thinking digital. I have a Moultrie 35 mm but would like to try digital and strapping $100.00 to a tree is better than $250.00. smile.gif


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Re: $100 digital scout camera at Dick\'s

Battery life will be short with AA's......PIR range is only 15'.....but for $99 bucks its still better than developing film.....digital cams at this price could certainly replace the 35mm market.......as long as the cam takes pics with only a few weeks battery life...it would still be a good deal !!!

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Re: $100 digital scout camera at Dick\'s

You know whitetailkiller, being the "couch hunter" I am, smile.gif I could probably find $99.99 in the cushions of my couch. $250.00 would be harder to find!! smile.gif

All in good fun my friend. I figured for the price of the camera it would or could be a good deal. Just not sure on the make of it, never heard of the company that makes it. I agree with bozz too, digitals will replace 35 mm's soon and the cost of them will come down too. What I find out with the 35 mm's is they do not like the cold weather too much, at least my Moultrie doesn't! smile.gif


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