How long, how many, and the biggest...


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Re: How long, how many, and the biggest...

I've hunted since age 14. I'm age 21 now. I've harvested 4 deer so far. The biggest was a button-buck that had spikes under his skin that ran along his skull line, that when I cut the skin back they measured out to between 1" and 2" each. Our hunting group members gave him two nicknames "Goat", because of his goat hooked spikes, and "Dumbo", because he had really big ears compared to his head and body. His head is still in my freezer waiting until after this hunting season to be sent out to for a metalized european mount, unless I get a wallhanger buck this season, then in that case he'd just be sent to be a normal european mount instead or kept in the freezer until a better year to be sent out. I've yet to shoot an antlered buck. Maybe this season will break the ice for me, though.

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Re: How long, how many, and the biggest...

I'm almost 20, hunted for about 5 years on my own. Killed 3 deer, biggest body deer was 202lbs dressed which was had a 6 point rack, 20" inside spread, probably scored around 110", which is pretty darn good for a 6 pointer. grin.gif

Best amount of points was a 9-pointer, fairly small rack though.

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Re: How long, how many, and the biggest...

This will be my 5th year hunting. So I have completed a total of 4 years so far. I have taken 3 bucks over those 4 years. My first year I took a good 6 point with 13 inch inside spread. My 2nd year I shot at 2 does and missed both. My step-dad never took me the range so didn't have a chance to make sure I was dead on. My 3rd year I finished off a small yearling buck without bumps on his head. My uncle let me take him since I finished him off. My 4th year I took a 190lb field dressed spike with two 3 inch spikes. 3 deer out of 4 years sounds pretty good to me. Hopefully my streak will continue.

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Guest outdoorgirl

Re: How long, how many, and the biggest...

I have been hunting for 33 years and have killed about 30 deer. My biggest to date was killed in 2003 it was a big old 11 pointer which weighed in 220 lbs.

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Re: How long, how many, and the biggest...

I started deer hunting when I was 13 so this season will be my 39th season. I honestly don't have a clue how many deer I've taken in all those years. Probably somewhere around 150 or so. My biggest deer to date is one I killed with my bow in Kansas a couple of years ago. He's entered in B&C and P&Y with an official net score of 175 1/8. He officially grossed 183 7/8.

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Re: How long, how many, and the biggest...

Been hunting since the 2001 season. 5 years now. So far I have taken 1 doe, 1 spike, a 3 pt, a 4 pt, 2- 5 pts, 2- 8 pts and 2- 9 pts.

The biggest was a 9 pointer. Don't know what he scored. ( I never have cared about that) But the inside spread was 18 inches and he weighed around 160.

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