Rubber gloves

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Re: Rubber gloves


I've never heard of a processor "gutting" deer. I thought you always had to bring them in empty. Anyway...a buddy of mine got his cut up by a processor a few years back. The "basic" cuts and wrapped in white paper cost $80.00. That's definately incentive for me to continue my garage butcher shop.

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I can take a deer, completly intact, other than the being dead factor, to my processor and he will gut, skin, and process and put in white wrap freezer paper for $50.00.

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Re: Rubber gloves

We use surgical/rubber gloves when gutting the deer and skinning them. But mainly for hygiene reasons. It keeps us from getting blood all over our clothes and rifles. When we're done the gloves go into a plastic bag along with the liver and heart and then we dispose of them at the camp.

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