I've caught the fever again


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For the past couple of years, I haven't had any interest in hunting. Last year, I didn't hunt at all, didn't even purchase a license. This year, I haven't bought a license again, so therefore haven't hunted. However, since I bought that bow a few weeks ago, something has changed. I'm excited to go hunting again. I have been plotting out things to do with my land to get more and better deer on it, and just generally am excited. I thought for a while I was broken, but I realize that it was my lack of a bow (when I sold my old bow I had outgrown, I lost interest) that has caused me to not want to hunt. I guess what I'm trying to say is, I'm coming out of the closet so to speak. I'd rather bowhunt than gunhunt.

I don't know what the reason is, but it just seems too "easy" to take a deer with a gun. Scent control isn't nearly as important, guessing yardage, so on and so forth, just point and shoot so to speak. True enough getting the deer to be there in the first place is just as hard, but executing the shot is much easier with a gun than a bow, and it loses its fun after a while.

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Re: I\'ve caught the fever again

definately agree with you, I only went out one evening this year during gun season. Since I got my bow I kinda lost interest in gun hunting, bow hunting is more of a challenge. I do want to get a muzzleloader though, that just seems like a lot of fun.

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