Hunting spots (does family/friends know?)


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I took my wife and 2 girls back to my spot yesterday to get my game camera, it's 80 acres and I hunt in the very back on acre 79, my wife wondered why I did this and I just like it way in the back.

I was thinking this, if something were to happen, would family or friends know where to look? Do you show them your spot, how to get to it? My wife knows now and I hope I never have a problem but at least she knows the general area where to look with help!

I suggest you either make a map or show someone, the hours they spend looking for you could be the hours you need to save your life!

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Re: Hunting spots (does family/friends know?)

Very good point. I have downloaded and printed topos of my local hunting spots and marked stand locations on them, and I try to tell my wife where I'll be on any given day. Didn't used to bother about it so much, but when you have little kids, your life isn't just about you anymore, you have to stack the odds in your favor every chance you get.


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Re: Hunting spots (does family/friends know?)

I print of a ariel photo and mark my stand locations and then I put the GPS locs on their as well. I usually tell three people where I am and if I'm hunting alone I set up call times and if I don't contact them within 30 minutes of the call time then they try to reach me and if not they start looking.

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Re: Hunting spots (does family/friends know?)

Good point Hutchies, everyone should try to carry a fully charged cell phone so if your hanging in your treestand or on the ground in pain you can at least try to call for help!!

And a good point was raised when you have kids you start to take less chances, safety comes first because those kids and your spouses depend on you to come home!!

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Re: Hunting spots (does family/friends know?)

Yep, that is great thinking. I have one guy who lives in the area hunt - he knows where all/most of my stands are.

I drew a map on a very large flip chart and indicated where all my stands and blinds are so that my wife will have an idea also.

I usually call her at dark, so she knows everything is ok. We'll probably have to come up with a plan just in case.

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Re: Hunting spots (does family/friends know?)

My brother and dad both help me set up stands, so we always know where the others are going to be. Plus we also let each other know where we are going to be so that we don't mess each other up. I had a friend fall out of a tree and his harness broke (he fell about 26ft), he was lucky and could call out and let his parents know where he was at.

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Re: Hunting spots (does family/friends know?)

im kinda own my on when it comes to this i hunt alone most of the time, and dont realy hunt from a stand i use my climber alot and kinda move around, never in the same spot, and in o4 when i fell out of the stand i was just lucky to be close to the property line and another hunter heard me, i guess that would be ok if you kinda stayed in one area, besides that i realy dont have any one to call.

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Re: Hunting spots (does family/friends know?)

My wife doesn't know,but my cousin and a few freinds know where my stands are.I've never brought a phone with me to the woods,but I keep it in my truck.I get too many calls in the afternoons.The wife knows if I'm not home at a certain time to who to get a hold of to come get me.

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Re: Hunting spots (does family/friends know?)

I have a radio tuned to the frequency that I keep mine on in the woods and leave it at home for my wife. She knows where I am going to be and can radio to me from the road in front of where I hunt easily enough. If I am unconscious, well that would make for a crappy day. I hunt from a stool once the season opens and tend to still hunt more than stand hunt.

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Guest asilvia68

Re: Hunting spots (does family/friends know?)

I hunt with my best friend so he knows where I am. I also have a fully charged phone with me. And if all else fails my son knows the spot since I am grooming him and the other kids to join the addiction. :-)

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