Antler restriction poll


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The antler restriction poll leaves out the choice of "Maybe - if it were properly set up for my individual area". What may work in one part of the state, may not work in another. In NY state, where I live, you have to hunt hard to see even a 4 or 6 point, and can go seasons without seeing any bucks at all. I am not against antler restrictions as early in the season I would not be so apt to shoot a 4 point or a 6 point, but come Dec, if I am still skunked, I would really be tempted.

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Re: Antler restriction poll

I support them all the way. It just give the bucks a chance to age a little more and also increases everyones chance of killing a keeper. I wish more states would adopt the program. I also like the earn a buck idea. Impliment earn a buck with antler restrictions, now you have the makings of a fine herd.

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Re: Antler restriction poll


I like to pass on the smaller ones in hope of seeing a nice P&Y buck, I try to do my part, when it crossed the fenceline I don't know what the neighbors will do!

Some shoot anything that is brown, sad but true!

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Promote the heck out of QDM. Talk to all the neighboring landowners about it. It took me 6 years but we are now reaping the bennefits. Persistance pays off.

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Re: Antler restriction poll


The antler restriction poll leaves out the choice of "Maybe - if it were properly set up for my individual area". What may work in one part of the state, may not work in another. In NY state, where I live, you have to hunt hard to see even a 4 or 6 point, and can go seasons without seeing any bucks at all.

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The only question I would have for you on this quote is, if there were antler restrictions wouldn't those 4 and 6 pointers make it to be bigger deer? Then you would have the opportunity to shoot bigger bucks?

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Re: Antler restriction poll

To each there own! If I enjoy what I have now on my side of the hill do not mandate that I must practice antler restriction just because the guys on the other side want to.

You want bigger racks? Then practice antler restriction and have fun. Don't force me to do it. I realize that if I get tired of shooting crotch horns or 6 points that it is my responsibility to make changes on my property. I will not go whining to the DEC with my woes.

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Re: Antler restriction poll

here in ar we have an antler restiction, we have a three point rule 3 points per side some counties have a 4 point rule, and spikes less than 2 inch, i think it works out pretty well at least the deer get to get a little age before they get shot verses some places ive hunted that any thing with antlers gets shot, but i guess to each his own.

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Re: Antler restriction poll

A wise man once told me: "Never pass up a shot on opening day that you would "settle for" on the last day of the season." And no matter how much ketchup you use, you still can't eat the antlers.

In my part of the woods, you can hunt the entire two week season and might not get a shot. If you're putting meat on the table you take what God puts in front of you.

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Guest HaDeRonDa

Re: Antler restriction poll

I hunt an area with the aid of a guide in the Adirondacks where Antler Restrictions are practiced. It's public land but so remote none of the locals (the guys that only hunt the area). Who else hunts this area? NO ONE!!! Now that I am a resident and have paid my guide fees for the past 7 years, I might be able to join one of the two groups of guys and start guiding myself. Well, maybe.

Anyway, 10 years ago no one practiced AR. Now no one shoots smaller than an 8pt unless it's a mamoth 6er. We know those are not that common anyway. Now out of about 8 guys depending on hthe year, 6 score bucks over the 120 class every year.

It's all about the discipline and desire about shooting a higher aged class of deer.

Meat comes from the ML and bow that can shoot flatheads.

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Re: Antler restriction poll

being a dairy farmer, what your saying is the exact opposite of what it should be..take the small bucks if you must but leave the large bucks to continue on the tradtion of good genetics..Thats just the way we do things, are you saying that all these 4 pointers will end up being the quality of the 8 pointers that you are harvesting? If we as dairy farmers only keep the immature lower quality animals we would be going backwards with our genetics..

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Re: Antler restriction poll


being a dairy farmer, what your saying is the exact opposite of what it should be..take the small bucks if you must but leave the large bucks to continue on the tradtion of good genetics..Thats just the way we do things, are you saying that all these 4 pointers will end up being the quality of the 8 pointers that you are harvesting? If we as dairy farmers only keep the immature lower quality animals we would be going backwards with our genetics..

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Give those little ones a chance to hit 4 or 5 years old and I think you'd be suprised as to what they turn into.

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Re: Antler restriction poll

I like and support antler restrictions. They were just implemented in the DMU where I primarily gun hunt in region 3H in NYS,Sullivan county. Youth are exempt from the AR's. I hang out/help out at a local butcher up there in Sullivan county after the days hunt and I see approx 2-250 deer being brought in for butchering throughout the season. 80% are small forkhorns and basket racked 6's with a large quantity of spikes. That deer herd needs help up there. Matter of fact they have restricted the issuing of DMP tags to preference point holders only.

The genes are there in the herd, but you cant shoot a big buck if you shoot the littles ones.

Let the little ones walk...

Besides...a mature doe(meat) is tougher trophy and a harder hunt than a hormone raging buck which is letting his little head do the thinking grin.gif

Where I bowhunt here in suburbia, 38 miles north of NYC. AR's are not needed the bucks get REAL old around here. No access to land to hunt'em on.

I am not for forcing people to like what I like, but most of the time the decisions are based on the feedback of hunters and other sportsmen. I think DEC has had many letters on this subject and decided to go ahead with it.

Tomorrow evening my son and I are attending a Deer Ecology/QDMA seminar at Gander mountain in Middletown,NY 7pm

The quest for more deer knoledge continues!!! grin.gif

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Re: Antler restriction poll

Letting a 3.5yr old 4 point walk does not make him a better buck next year. A bucks main frame antlers are seen by his second rack. It just makes for a bigger 4 pointer in most cases. Some antler restrictions work , but most that I have seen leave out the ability for a hunter to harvest a deer that has small antlers and is genetically inferior. I have seen alot of old bucks that sport small antlers and need to be harvested, but certain antler restrictions do not allow it. Look at most areas that produce alot of big antlered bucks ( ie...South Texas, Kansas, Canada, Milk River Montana ) none that I know have antler restrictions and they keep putting alot of deer in the books.

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Re: Antler restriction poll

I am totally against mandatory antler restrictions. You hunt your way, and don't worry about the way Joe down the road chooses to hunt.

I'm not into strictly trophy hunting, and if I choose to shoot a 4 or 6 pointer, I don't want someone telling me that I can't because people want me to pass it up.

There will always be some big deer around. Shoot the ones you feel like shooting, and I'll do the same. As`was already said, antlers probaly don't taste good. And why should I have to shoot a doe, just to please you.


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