Your opinion here....

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ok heres the story... i feel like me and my gf of almost 3 months are growing apart instead of growing closer. Like this morning before school, i said good morning like usual and her response...she stares at me, and not a word. So i told her that i had to go the hospital today to find out what and if they can do anything for me( long story) once again her response....a stare. so i hug her and she dont even like try to hug me back at all. And i really like this girl but man, shes about to drive me crazy. What yall think? crazy.gif

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Re: Your opinion here....

First off how old are you?

If your under 21 I wouldn't think twice about it. Girls at a young age ain't worth your time in fretting over....if it's meant to be her coldness will pass. I have went through that at times with my girlfriends, and it's usually been a make it or break it point. I'd lay low for a bit and if she don't come around, I would can her. Take it from a guy whose been there and done that......don't beat yourself up over a girl if your young. I wasted my entire highschool career with one girl who ended up breaking my heart. Chase em all man! you'll live longer unless daddy finds out wink.gif

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Re: Your opinion here....


First off how old are you?

If your under 21 I wouldn't think twice about it. Girls at a young age ain't worth your time in fretting over....if it's meant to be her coldness will pass. I have went through that at times with my girlfriends, and it's usually been a make it or break it point. I'd lay low for a bit and if she don't come around, I would can her. Take it from a guy whose been there and done that......don't beat yourself up over a girl if your young. I wasted my entire highschool career with one girl who ended up breaking my heart. Chase em all man! you'll live longer unless daddy finds out wink.gif

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im this is good stuff grin.gif

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Re: Your opinion here....


Yeah, no offence, but girls are a bit immature when it comes to relationships sometimes at that age. If you don't think it's going anywhere, don't waste your time. wink.gif

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Actually, it's usually the guys who mature slower than the girls. I don't know why she would be acting so standoffish all of a sudden, but try to talk it out with her and see what's bothering her. If she doesn't want to work it out then it probably is time to move on.

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Re: Your opinion here....



Yeah, no offence, but girls are a bit immature when it comes to relationships sometimes at that age. If you don't think it's going anywhere, don't waste your time. wink.gif

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Actually, it's usually the guys who mature slower than the girls. I don't know why she would be acting so standoffish all of a sudden, but try to talk it out with her and see what's bothering her. If she doesn't want to work it out then it probably is time to move on.

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yeah me n her gonna go to a football game tonight so uhh..well prolly have a come to Jesus meeting if ya know what i mean grin.gif

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Re: Your opinion here....

I did the same as Kat up until my last year we ended it on mutual terms, but looking back i wish i would have played the field a little more, from my expierience in high school you can feel like you want to spend the rest of your life with someone one day and not ever want to see then the next so, i would reccomend don't worry about it, give her some space and let her make a move if she doesnt then trade her in for a new one

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Re: Your opinion here....

At 14, Im chasin them all, but have gotten kicked more often than not for saying that I couldnt go out that night becuase Im going deer hunting...... Btw, never ay that to a soccer playing girl wearing highheels, or steeltoed boots for that matter, and has a text book in her hand that is an anti..... doesn't feel good. lol

Always manage priorities.... 1.My show cattle, 2 and 3, hunting and fishing and 4 is girls, followed by school. laugh.gif lol.

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Guest buckmaster2010

Re: Your opinion here....

been single for 3 years and tend to add more to it at our school we have alot of nice girls . my mom and dad were highschool sweet hearts since they were 15 andnow 50 so i say go for wat you think is right if they can ya they will be coming back and youll be with somone better

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Guest lovinbowhuntin247365

Re: Your opinion here....

-+ok im finally wisin up and chasin em all, cuz the last one got me in trouble .... she told me she was 16, and i found out that she lied about her age and i would be brought up on sexual assault charges if the uncle decided to press charges ... of course, he didnt, but id say thats cuttin it pretty close ..... turns otu the girl was about 7 months shy of 14, so i nearly got busted cuz im a stupid gullible teenager ... im just gonna stay single for awhile, and see how it goes lol ... definitely gonna ask for ID next time i ask a girl out lol


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Guest buckmaster2010

Re: Your opinion here....

oh my lovinbowhuntin thats close last one i went out with cheated on me i was depressed for a while but i said screw that i got plenty of time and 3 years is actulay doing me some good so idk just do wat you feel is right

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Re: Your opinion here....

I've got a really good friend and we really like each other, but it's great because I still talk to other guys and he talks to other girls and have fun, and there's no pressure like there would be if we were dating seriously. So I guess the best thing really is to stay uncommitted until you're older.

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