What do you bench?


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Guest HaDeRonDa

Re: What do you bench?

Wow that was about 10 years ago.

Then 5'6"-170 lbs benching 3 sets of 9 reps at 215

Now, I'd hate to try. 160 lbs and probably 130 like a girly man.

This has brought back scarey lifting memories. Thanks!!

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Guest wildotter

Re: What do you bench?

6ft. 155 and maxed about 2 months ago at 205. BUT, after a tender shoulder and back I've had to cut out my upper body workouts to recover. I'm sure it's closer to 185 by now.

I'm a HARD gainer!!!! Worked out 1 yr. eating everything in sight and gained 10 lbs. only to lose it in 1 week from being sick. It took a whole other 12 months to gain it back...that's where I am now...holding steady at 155-157.

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Re: What do you bench?

Arthritus has put me into the "I don't care to lift a thing if I don't have to" mode.

245# is what I bench, just trying to get my heavy butt out of bed in the morning.

When I was 17, I weighed 155# and could bench over 200# freeweights. At that time, I could lift a 100# barbell up with one hand, and standing press it 10 times. I could curl 100# a couple of times with 1 hand, awkwardly. Then, I was doing flys one day, while laying on the bench, and my right shoulder turned inside out. No more lifting for awhile.

When I was built up to 180# in the service, Some of the big lifters were poking fun at me, because I told them I wouldn't lift anymore, because of my bad shoulder. They started doing deadlifts, and kept hasseling me, so I told them they were pansies, and I could probably still out lift them. They took the challenge, and When we got past 400#, 3 of them couldn't go any farther. One guy still went to 450#, and I ticked him off when I lifted 485#. He almost popped his goin struggling with it, but gave up. I almost had to knock him out, he was so mad.

4 years ago, I could still pick up a 380# roll of paper at work, with no problem. Then, my back went out..... foolish things will tear you apart, as I only weighed 200# at that time, and was getting too old for that...lol.

Now I just live day to day, hoping a 90# weakling doesn't get a wild hair to come and kick my butt....lol tongue.gifwink.gifgrin.gif


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Re: What do you bench?

I started lifting about 4 months ago.I'm 5' 11" and weigh 195lbs.My max is about 220,but when I work out I usually lift something I can get 8-10 reps with which is about 180lbs.4 months time has really made a difference.With push-ups,bench presses and butterlies twice a week,my chest has grown about 3", and I do tri-cep extensions and curls twice a week till my arms are numb, and once a week I jog with ankle weights on.Now that hunting season is starting up I'll probably cut back to once a week for everything till spring.

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Re: What do you bench?


I don't know my max, but I can do 12 oz. curls all day long! tongue.gif

[/ QUOTE ]

Care to wager on that? wink.gifgrin.gif

I use to lift with two guys. One went pro (got his card a few years back). The other competed in Mr. Oklahoma and if he would have stuck with it would have had some serious titles.

I loved working out with them but they KILLED me on a regular basis. I thought I was big bad until we started doing sets of 100.... Yes, 100. I incline benched the 45lb bar and thought they lost their mind. After about the first 40-45 my arms nearly fell off. We did the same thing with curls. It would absolutley fry you. Awesome shock workouts.

We would only do it every other month or so.

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Re: What do you bench?

6' 3" 320 use to due warmups with 180 10x then boost it up 20lbs every ten reps until i got a total of 50-60 presses then back down again, now all i do is carry around a 2year old and hang on to a 20 month old and carry her around the farm, the energy in them never stops. but about due back in the gym new job has a great facality.

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