? About Round Up Concentrate!?!? Help!!


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Hey guys its the planting season & I've enjoyed your pictures and stuff. I'll be planting REAL soon but I'm a little confused.

Wednesday I'm having a farmer disc 1.5 acres of food plot space in a recently cut corn field. It should have been done alot earlier but the corn was just cut Saturday because the farmers combine broke down & it was just fixed. My only day off next week is Monday the 2nd. In the past I've disced then sprayed my plot with round up & waited a week to plant, but I want to get the planting done on Monday the day I'm off. The rut here kicks in the last week of Oct & the first week of Nov so I want to get it done ASAP.

I just bought a bottle of round up concentrate & it says on the bottle if a spot is disced then the product applied it will be okay to fertilize & seed just 3 days after spraying. Is 3 days after spraying a disced sight safe?

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Re: ? About Round Up Concentrate!?!? Help!!

The " Roundup " isn't really going to help you much. Roundup is a post emergence herbicide. This means it will kill mainly weeds that are already growing. To be effective the plot should rest a couple weeks until you see the weed growth start. Then after spraying you could plant three days afterward but I like to wait at least a week.

If it were me in your situation, I'd fertilize and plant. With luck the planted seed should crowd out the weed competition. This would be especially true if you were planting Brassicas.

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Re: ? About Round Up Concentrate!?!? Help!!

i don't really see an advantage of discing then spraying right away. First all the plants are going to be disced under so you'll just be spraying the majority of your roundup on disced dirt or plant material that has been stripped from the roots. When glyphosate come into contact with the soil it is inactivated pretty quick. It's better to disc then wait a couple weeks for new growth to start showing before spraying. Or spray the plot and then wait your 3 days before discing. That way the plants will have enough time to get the herbicide down to the roots.

good luck


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Re: ? About Round Up Concentrate!?!? Help!!

Good luck to you!

Up here we are expecting a killing frost any day now. So, while your brassicas are getting planted ours will be in full maturity.

The frost reacts on brassica so the leaves take on a sugar state the deer almost crave. I'm not all that anxious but I know what's coming! grin.gifgrin.gif

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Re: ? About Round Up Concentrate!?!? Help!!


Good luck to you!

Up here we are expecting a killing frost any day now. So, while your brassicas are getting planted ours will be in full maturity.

The frost reacts on brassica so the leaves take on a sugar state the deer almost crave. I'm not all that anxious but I know what's coming! grin.gifgrin.gif

[/ QUOTE ]

Weird how the weather is in different places. I just got home about an hour ago. I just planted .5 acre of "shot plot" & I'm very excited about it. We don't get our first really hard frost until the 2nd week of Nov so the plants should be mature right on time. 45 days!!!!!!

I'll finish putting down some oats, clover, peas & chicory in a few days. grin.gif

BTW LET, did you also plant shot plot?

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Re: ? About Round Up Concentrate!?!? Help!!

Good deal............. I'm very very excited about this particular brassica. Last year I planted some Tecomate brassica & the deer loved it hopefully they'll love the shot plot just as well. Looks like my hunting area is going to get some rain tonight, so now its just a matter of time!!!

BTW did you refertilize it when it got to be about 10 inches?

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Re: ? About Round Up Concentrate!?!? Help!!

No, I didn't refertilize at all. I am not a big advocate of adding fertilizer after germination unless you have access to manure. I have been afraid of " burning " the plants. This is one of the reasons I advocate so much the importance of soil analysis before planting. Once the seeds are planted I prefer to leave the plants alone. Brassicas at 10" are leafed out to the stage I would not want to run over the plants and possibly damage some of them.

We measured our plants at 48 days. They averaged 26" plus.

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