spitfires and wasp jackhammers mech.

Guest wasp

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I was just curious if any one shoots either of these mechanical heads. What lb. bow do you shoot and what kind of results have you had? Just got through watching prime time bucks video and alot of those guys were using spitfires it didnt seem like they got very good penetration at all but all of these bucks droped within sight. Are they that good? They were using them in last years videos too. I have never shot mech. would like to hear some posts. Thanks wasp

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Guest HaDeRonDa

Re: spitfires and wasp jackhammers mech.

Hey Wasp, I have shot spitfires and currently have one in my quiver.

Great head and I have had great results with them. Out of four deer I have shot with them only one was not a passthru at < 60 lbs DW.

I haven't used Wasps but would love to give them a try. Maybe later this year I will give them a shot.

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Re: spitfires and wasp jackhammers mech.

I have used the Spitfire XP the last 3 years and will never use anything else. They produce a massive entry and exit wound. The deer i shot last season actually had some insides hanging out of the exit wound. I use 125 grain head with a 65 lbs. draw weight with beman 340 carbon arrows. Here is a pic of a deer i shot 2 years ago showing the exit wound . exitwoundcopy.jpg

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Re: spitfires and wasp jackhammers mech.


Either one with a well placed shot will get the job done!

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Thats exactly right. Either will easily get the job done. 60lbs is plenty of pull for a mechanical (im not sure what youre pulling). Both are reparable heads and deadly if you take a good shot.

The key is to wait for the right shot....

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Re: spitfires and wasp jackhammers mech.

I use spitfires they work great I have taken 5 or 6 deer with them and have had pass through on all except a spine shot...ooops....

I dont shoot a very fast bow its set at 60 pounds with alumi. arrows they open the deer up big! they havnt gone more them 80 yards so far so i like them alot.

I used to use thunderheads but they kinda flew bad so i switched havnt looked back

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