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hey guys I wanted to know about ferilizer and my fall plot.....we were unable to get our summer plots to work....so we worked them up again and planted Bishops Fall Field of Dreams 2 weeks ago....is there any type of fertilizer we can put on it now to help it grow before it gets to cold out?????

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Re: Fertilizer????

as long as your plants are still growing then you can benefit from the fertilizer. If they aren't growing due to winter dormancy then you're wasting your money.

I don't know know what is in that mix but a good dose of triple 13 wouldn't hurt a thing.

Did you fertilize at planting? If not then 150 to 200# per acre should give the plants a nice boost!


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Re: Fertilizer????

Muff. short of a miracle I would say you are pretty much beat for this year. You are farther north than I am, so a frost could hit anytime. All the fertilizer in the world isn't going to do any good after the plants get stunted. Sit back and pray if you like, but I wouldn't waste my money on fertilizer now.

Now might be a good time to prepare for next years plantings. Take some soil samples, get them analyzed and be prepared to get a good start next spring. This will assure you of applying the right type of fertilizer when it will do some good.

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Re: Fertilizer????

Got to say, Muff and I PM'd back and forth on this a bit. He IS north of me BUT he is on an island at the mouth of a river which keeps the temperature above our inland temp. He got me on this one!

Try as you may, it doesn't hurt to get all the info before you stick your foot entirely into your mouth!! grin.gif

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Re: Fertilizer????


Got to say, Muff and I PM'd back and forth on this a bit. He IS north of me BUT he is on an island at the mouth of a river which keeps the temperature above our inland temp. He got me on this one!

Try as you may, it doesn't hurt to get all the info before you stick your foot entirely into your mouth!! grin.gif

[/ QUOTE ]Take that smart guy! grin.gif

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Guest luckyman4

Re: Fertilizer????

MMMM, shoe leather, my favorite!!

Muff, let us know what is in the mixes you are trying to plant, maybe we can narrow down why the summer didn't grow and what to do for the fall. Soil fertility might not be the problem. . . could be pH (my guess), weed competition, sun exposure, or several other things.

If you are going to plant something this late, I'd recommend Winter Rye, its the fastest growing thing I know and can tolerate most conditions. Toss on some triple 10 or 13 and at the very least those nutrients will be there for next year (In sandy soils you might lose the nitrogen due to leaching). GOOD LUCK!!

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