Catskill Black Bear Pics


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Some of you may remember that back in July I got video on our trail cam of a black bear that was in our area.. Well now 3 months later, the bear is still in the area. Bears aren't very common in the area our land is in. But, we know they are around, just no one ever shoots one. Well, I was fortunate enough to be able to get pictures with our trail cam. He is in a field surrounded by apple trees with apples all over the place. Can you guess where I'm gonna be for a few days in bowseason? grin.gif

I think it's a small bear by record book standards, but the biggest a bear gets around here is about 200-250lbs. This bear meets that requirement I believe. I have seen this bear with my own eyes and now through the eyes of the trail cam. It's definitely a good sized bear that has been seen by the locals and now they are looking to get it come season.





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Re: Catskill Black Bear Pics


thats a pretty nice sized bear u guys need to get permits for a bear in ur region or is it just a regular season?

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When we buy our big game tags, we get a bear tag included.

I just picked out a tree along the woodline at this field where we have spotted this bear and I think I'm set. I just need the bear to show up in bow range.

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