Safety Harness Suggestions


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I'm looking for a safety harness. I've been ground hunting, but bought a used hang on. Any thing that i should look for in a safety harness? I've been watching E-bay, lots of different ones out there. I'm on a budget, but still need to be safe. - I was looking at some of the Gorilla's, Summit's, lone wolf.


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Re: Safety Harness Suggestions

Not sure what your budget is but when it comes to safety guys tend to be real cheap. Got to look at the big picture, how much do you value your life? Its not a scare tactic its just we seem to spend so much on hunting gear we overlook the very thing that will keep us hunting for many years to come!

I have a HSS Pro Series vest and love it, Gorilla and Summit make some great vests too. Stay away from just a chest strap and get a full body that supports your lower body.

Be safe out there and be careful what you buy on ebay. Someone could be pawning off one that has been tested or outdated!

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Re: Safety Harness Suggestions

I am a self proclaimed spokesman for treestand safety. I fell last year and my Summit S.O.P. saved my life.

Whatever brand you buy be sure it is a FULL body harness. Not a chest harness and not a belt harness. But the most important factor is what you buy is buy one that you will USE. It serves no purpose laying in the back of your truck.

That being said, I prefer the Summit S.O.P. I'm partial to it because I can attest to the fact that they work. But Hunter's Safety and others now make some fine harnesses.

I may note that while a quality harness will set you back some money (I think I paid around $75 for my original S.O.P.), compare that with the cost of a hospital visit, long term rehab, or 6 feet under. On top of that, I know in the case of Summit, if you fall while wearing their harness., they send you a new harness for free. Makes the initial investment easier to swallow, should you ever fall.

Good luck and be safe!

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Re: Safety Harness Suggestions

This may be reaching but now a days most stand companys include a harness with there stands. There are some folks who have a few of them brand new never used from buying multiple stands. I also know some guys will just give it to you.

I got mine this way from another forum member, as did my brother recently.

They posted it for free to the 1st one who repied. I got lucky.

Never hurts to ask.

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Re: Safety Harness Suggestions


I'm looking for a safety harness.

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Then you've come to the right place wink.gif


Any thing that i should look for in a safety harness?

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I'm on a budget, but still need to be safe.

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We've all been there tongue.gif

...and Your absolutely right!!!

I have a full body harness in the garage that will no longer be used since I bought a Hunters Safety System Bowhunter harness a couple weeks ago.

PM me if your interested...the shipping will be about $5

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Re: Safety Harness Suggestions

I knew I'd start something with this post. It's great to see the concern that has been mentioned. While I wouldn't get into a tree with out some sort of safety harness, I figured it was time to get a real one. I've used a double boline knot tied to a tree, with some mod's to hold me in the correct position. We used these for chair evacutations when I was on Ski Patrol back in the 80's. They work great, but a real harness would be better. I've pm'd one of the guys, so, I should have one soon. I havn't been able to get into the woods yet, as I've just moved. Another 1.5 weeks before i get out for the 1st time. Got to get me a doe in our earn-a-buck zones this year.


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Re: Safety Harness Suggestions


I bought a Summit SOP, not sure which model, think it was around $35-$40. This will be my first year using it, but I think I am gonna like it!!

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I bought a SOP last year. It is not cumbersome and seems like a secure product. I also just bought the climbing system that secures your climb and descent from a tree stand...I felt it was a good investment considering many falls occur from climbing in/out of the stand!

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