Thanx Grandpa!WT pic 04


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Here he is guys!I waited & waited to get a shot @ him all season.Finally he ran right to me & stopped on a trail 35-40 yards in front of me.I was shaking so much that I had to kneel down to steady myself for the shot.Boom,right in the chest with my TC Encore 50 cal muzzle loader.My grandfather passed away last New Years morning after spending the X-Mas season with my wife & I.He left each of we grandchildren 1000$.He knew how much I loved hunting & would have approved of me buying my Encore with it.He would be even happier to see the buck I shot with it & brag about me on coffee row.Well nuff said,I know he was there as the Hammer fell!Thanx Grandpa! [image]11636wt04-med.jpg [/image]

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Re: Thanx Grandpa!WT pic 04

What do you guys think?I shot this buck in 2001 not a mile from this one this year.It would have made B&C Non-Typ if it hadnt broke off a point in front of his left browtine.Also with a Muzz.Loader.Any connection.Oh Ya any help in convincing me to do a shoulder mount instead of a European mount would be app. [image]11636CAM_big_non-typ-med.jpg [/image]

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Re: Thanx Grandpa!WT pic 04

I'll go against the grain....the deer are more than likely related somehow, but it is way down the line. (my dad's cousin's sister's dog's brother's wife's type deal smirk.gif) the brow tines are TOTALLY different. Your first has far more abnormal points. They both have tall, cool-looking racks though. pm me for my address, so you can get that rack shipped to me before season is over. laugh.gif

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Guest MarylandQDMA

Re: Thanx Grandpa!WT pic 04

nice deer, if you decied not to mount it, ship it to me (with hide) and I'll have it mounted. it would look darn good next to my 10 pt.

If I were you and I shot it with a gun I bought with money that my grandfather left me, there would not be any dout about a trip to the taxidermest.


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Re: Thanx Grandpa!WT pic 04

awesome deer, i would do a shoulder mount on a deer that nice, with the euro style you can't tell how big the body was or that it had a very thick neck and looked like it was king of the region

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Re: Thanx Grandpa!WT pic 04

There is now way on earth you cannot do a shoulder mount on that buck, it is awesome, heavy, lots of junk, great colror. It'd be a shoulder mount in my house for sure.

What does it score, not that score really matters, I'm just curious, he is **** big. You shot yourelf a buck that Saskatchewan is famous for. Your grandpa would be proud.

I too miss my grandpa, he gave me my first muzzleloader, and since thenI've been hooked, my 2 biggest fell to the smokepole too!!! Way to go.

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Re: Thanx Grandpa!WT pic 04

I had to get this post back to the top, everybody should see this super buck, I just love the tall rack and dark color, he's a real beauty.

Cam, you're right about score, doesn't matter a lick, that is one sweet buck, have I convinced you to do a shoulder mount yet? grin.gif

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