Pumped to hunt a stand!


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Last weekend Andy and I went out to check the last of several stands on the land we hunt (a 5 minute drive or 115 minutes walk through farm land, it's great) and to clear a couple spots for climbers. Well this stand we were checking is about 10 yards off an old logging trail in the hardwoods. To my right is a ridge that the big buck came down last year and walked right under me and I never got a shot at. to my left is a mostly hemlock swamp which is a bedding area. In front of me is a smal lcreek through an open grassy/brushy swamp. And behind me is where I walk in from, a corn field and more woods. We walk in and there is a scrape below a hemlock that bucks scrape under every year. There's a few rubs and scrape along the logging trail towards the stand then right across from my stand to my right, at about 10-15 yards is a tree the size of my leg with a rub, then some smaller trees all over on this ridge with rubs, and a few scrapes on the ground! Oh boy I can't wait to hunt this stand! A buck has got his territory set-up here for sure! So do you think I'm dealing with a small buck or decent buck? I'll take what comes by though; it's meat smile.gif Only 2 more weeks!

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Re: Pumped to hunt a stand!

Yeah, rub isn't too high up the tree, could be the small 6 pointer we saw around. All I know is I haven't gotten a racked buck for the last 2 years, gun or bow, so big or small, it'll be a trophy to me. After then iceb uck walked under my stand last fall, I passed up on a small spike - well it had 3 points,lol, it came right to about 10 yards feeding. I was sorry I had passed on it by the end of bow season.

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