Successful autumn morning!


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Well I got up at 7:40am, thermometer said 30 degrees F. Sun was out, very light breeze. I got my insulated camo bibs, camo winter jacket, the .22 and hit the woods. What a great morning, came home with 3 squirrels in the bag - 2 young ones and 1 nice adult- and missed a few on the side tongue.gifwink.gif I even saw a bunch of deer that were out behind my stand that I walked by - they ran off but looked to be does. The exciting part is the bucks were active this morning. Down from this stand on the logging trail is a spot under a hemlock that bucks always scrape - the scrape was really freshly done then I look up the hill to myl eft and there are a couple rubs, green and wet. Talk about fresh! Now I really can't wait until the season. I'll get some photos up of my squirrels today and entered in the contest. That makes 7 squirrels for this season so far cool.gif

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