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That attracts someone to drive through a food plot? mad.gif It is usually my dad but he hasn't done it this year...yet.

On my brother-in-law's property I have two big plots(3/4-1 acre) then a small plot back in the timber(25'x25') that will probably be the best hunting spot on the place.Well today I check on the plots and they have come up and are about 2"-4" tall but someone has rode an atv pulling a trailer back into the timber and turned around 2-3 times right in the small plot. mad.gifmad.gifmad.gif This makes me mad but what can I say it's not my land.

My rant is over. crazy.gif

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Re: what is it?

I had someone drive threw my plot this summer too. It is in a spot that connects a few fields with old tractor access roads threw a small thicket. The farmers do not travel threw it at all and its been grassy for years. I planted it this year but some fool decided it was still ok to drive right threw.

Thing is I dont allow anyone out there, especially on an ATV. I know its the neighboring kids friend just cutting threw to go visit his buddy and we (my neighbor and I) have asked, then told, them not to cut threw anymore.

The thing that really burns me is its not the easiest way across my property and by no means the only way across.

GGGGrrrrrrrrr Just mad thnking about it again.

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