Motion Decoys - Un Sportsman Like Conduct??


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What decoy brands does everyone in here hunt with? Do you use motion decoys like MOJO's ? Is your calling good so they come right in and finish?

I know some folks hate the motion decoys and view them as Un Sportsman Like Conduct ,while hunting.

Much like the always contraversial "water swat" or " skillet shot" .

I think ducks taste pretty much the same, whether you kill em in the air or on the water. But to remain politically correct, the proper term is game harvest, not kill.

So should you shoot your ducks flying in the air, they were harvested and you are considered a sportsman. But if you shoot ducks on the water, they were killed by a person many would consider un sportsman like.

People have such a wide range opinions on sportsmanship while hunting, it can get get confusing. What are you thoughts on this?


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Re: Motion Decoys - Un Sportsman Like Conduct??

JMHO here but is not the purpose of a decoy set to appear life-like???

I dont duck hunt(at least I have not yet) but it's no different with deer decoys...the more natural they look the more effective they are!!!

The only issue I see with any decoy is the same one that a person who does not use a the shot ethical. Will it harvest the game quickly or is it placed in an area that will bring about the quick death of the animal thats hunted.

In my opinion that has a very basic be able to recover the game. The farther the game goes after the shot the more the chance of losing it rises. Sometimes game is lost even with a "Perfect shot" and theres nothing we can do about it but continue to strive on making the best shot possible. If it's lost after being shot with a marginal hit because of lack of practice or lack of knowledge on where to shoot it to kill it quickly...that to me is unethical.

How many deer hunters do you think would not shoot a buck that they stalk up on thats lying in it's bed?

If thats a "Skillet Shot"...I'll take it every chance I get! Knowing where to aim in that situation makes it ethical in my book...why would it be any different with a duck???

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Re: Motion Decoys - Un Sportsman Like Conduct??

Around here if you dont use a Mojo your missing it ... and if you are the only one using the mojo you are missing it ... I guess you just have to do what the ducks will tollerate ... ducks are pretty eduacted about the Mojo so it all depends on what is being used around you ... as far as shooting a duck on the water ... who cares .... I have seen guys miss them on the water before ... and its very funny to watch .... not saying its easier or harder but its a duck in the skillett ....


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Re: Motion Decoys - Un Sportsman Like Conduct??

I have one of the Roto ducks. A few years old and has the fold up wings. I used to use it on every hunt. But anymore, I hate dragging it out. Not that I don't kill ducks over it, I do, but I don't think I kill any more ducks over it than with out it. So rather than drag it along, I leave it at home anymore.

As for killing them on the water. To each their own, but I will not shoot a duck or goose on the water or the ground. Same with pass shooting. Others want to do it, then so be it, but I get NO satisfaction from it. Wings locked, hovering into the decoy spread is about the only way I'll shoot them. The exception is divers that land out of range and swim in. Wait till they are in range then jump them. Once they are in the air, then shoot. A turkey is the only bird I'll shoot while it's feet are on the ground.

Good decoy spread and learning how and when to call (being on the "X" helps too) will put ducks and geese in the bag. If you have to run traffic, then LOTS of decoys and multiple guys that know how to run a call will help.

I'll take a single decoyed bird over a limit of pass or ground pounded birds any day.

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Re: Motion Decoys - Un Sportsman Like Conduct??

I have a few mojo doves, and I don't feel they are an unfair advantage.

I don't duck hunt with one guy anymore for the very reason you bring up, shooting ducks on the water.

To me hunting is the challenge, not the kill count at the end of the day. When it comes to birds (other than turkey) I won't shoot them unless they're on the wing.

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Re: Motion Decoys - Un Sportsman Like Conduct??

Ground swatting is not for me. Many times to have to to kill an injured duck that is getting away, but that is it. I see they have wind driven wings for ducks now. Some stated make Mojos illigal, to bad, a closer shot is usally more effectice and less wounded ducks to get away.


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