What do you do with your camo after a days hunt?


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I read all about the different things folks do to prep there camo in the pre-season.

From washing to leaving them outside for months.

What do you do with your camo when you've hunted all day and plan to hunt the very next morning and even as well?

I still like to hang mine outside if weather permits. If its going to be rainly, or heavy dew, then I hang them just inside my garage with the door open to still get the benifit of airing out.

I take care to store lubricants, oils, etc inside closed cabinets and dont run any sort of motors in there at all.

For over night I feel this is ok.

If its super cold out I bag them inside a lawn and leaf sized bag and keep them warm just inside the door of the house.

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Re: What do you do with your camo after a days hun


I use Scent-Lok so it goes in the scent bag and then the dryer for about 45 min, back in the scent bag until the next hunt.

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Same here.

Anything I wear under it goes back in the wash using unscented soap, dried and then put away to stay scent free.

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Re: What do you do with your camo after a days hun



I use Scent-Lok so it goes in the scent bag and then the dryer for about 45 min, back in the scent bag until the next hunt.

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Same here.

Anything I wear under it goes back in the wash using unscented soap, dried and then put away to stay scent free.

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You do this everyday you hunt? You wash and dry them for the next morning?

Man do you have any color left in your camo Griz? LOL

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Re: What do you do with your camo after a days hun

if i have sweated in them, i wash them. but since it was cool and i didnt sweat, i just put them back into there container.

every 3 days of hunting if i havent washed them, i put them in the dryer to reactivate the scent loc gear.

Shoot Strong


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Re: What do you do with your camo after a days hunt?

I usually have them in a bag with spruce branches about a couple weeks to a month before the season.My clothes go back into a plastic bag filled with spruce branches.I also spray them with scent away and then earth cover scent before and after a hunt.Its not to hot here so no need to worry about the sweat factor as much.Its not totally scent free but i believe it helps.They also get washed in baking soda a couple times a season.

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Re: What do you do with your camo after a days hunt?


Store it back in my tote, unless I got it real sweaty.

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Same here. If they got sweaty, they get set aside to get washed. If it is a morning hunt and I plan to hunt the afternoon, do sometimes leave clothes haning from a tree out in the yard.

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Re: What do you do with your camo after a days hun



I use Scent-Lok so it goes in the scent bag and then the dryer for about 45 min, back in the scent bag until the next hunt.

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Same here.

Anything I wear under it goes back in the wash using unscented soap, dried and then put away to stay scent free.

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Me too

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Re: What do you do with your camo after a days hun

i have about 4 pairs of hunting cloths for when its hot, hunt in the morning if i sweat i'l put them in a bag and take a h... bath before i go out that evening with new cloths on. than i'l wash them when i get home and put them back in the air tight tote. so i have clean cloths on each time im in the stand.

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Re: What do you do with your camo after a days hunt?

I wash and dry them if I plan on using that exact set the next day. There's really no need though since I could start a used camo clothing store with what I own...Except it would all be in one size wink.gif

The only thing that does not go into the washer is the HSS Harness/Vest and it's been sprayed down with Scent Away and it's on the front screened porch.

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