I guess my season's over


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With just a few more days left of the archery season (Dec 10), I don't think I'll be getting any more deer. Having got a buck earlier, the late season allows acquisition of a doe now. I've been out several times and had opportunities, most recently this past Saturday.

As dawn broke and the falling snow muted their footsteps, deer filed past my hiding spot to their daytime hideouts. Many were 100, 200, 500 yards away. But several were within easy archery range and I never picked up my bow. I just hugged the big rock I was beside and watched them pick their way up the hill.

Finally, I took a couple pictures.


The freezer contains a whole deer and a third of a moose, as well as a beef I butchered earlier. My hunt simply fulfilled the need to get out and interact with nature. It was great.

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