Guest MarylandQDMA

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Guest MarylandQDMA

I got home from work last evening and figured I would clean my t/c encore 7mm-08 barrel (after using it on my bou trip). any how wile placing the forarm back in the barrel the front screw would not bite the threds in the barrel, I puled it off and looked and here the screw had striped comptly off mad.gif ok I thought I'll just get a new screw, WORNG. I started to think "just why did it strip" answer: it seems the hole in the forarm and the hold in the barrel do not line up exlaty. this caused my to strip the screw. so even if I did get a new screw, chanches are good that it will happen again.

I guess I need to get on the phone with t/c and complain and get them to fix the problem.



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Guest MarylandQDMA

Re: MAD!

after talking to t/c's CS, I was told that my barrel wil be replaced. I guess the barrels are driled to match the forarms. kinda makes me mad cause I had such a #*$& of a time mounting the scope and sighting it in. then I had to have the local gunsmith put on the finishing touches (for 68.00 bucks) frown.gif

so now I am wondering if they will remount and boresight the scope onto the new barrel or if I will have to shell out another 68.00 to remount the scope.


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Guest MarylandQDMA

Re: MAD!

UPDATE: aftertalking to t/c again, I need to send them every thing, (taken apart) and they will remount the scope on a NEW barrel. they don't have any 7mm-08 barrels curently, so she told me that mine would end up being a costum job! how cool. I get a costom barrel (kinda).


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